Chapter 22

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The bright sunlight fell on my face making me frown. I covered my face with the duvet. Duvet, how, I didn't remember taking one to sleep. I woke up with a jolt and the first thing I saw was my wedding dress at the same place where I use to hang in the penthouse. In front of the bed at the closet. For a moment a little comfort crept in thinking that am I back, but soon I realized that I am still here. Then why is it out. How? Why?

I was on the bed but I slept on the chair. No he said no for his bed. What if he gets angry. I tried to move but couldn't move my right leg. What the... I felt like something tightens around it. I sat up properly and remove the covers to find my right ankle is handcuffed with the bed. "What the-" I said to myself and tried to pull on it. I pulled on it and tried to pull it with my hands but it won't open up.

"You really think, you can open an iron shackle with your hands. Are you that stupid?" came his voice and I stopped my struggle. I looked him leaning on the doorframe with his hands folded at his chest

"Why?" I asked him because I really don't understand this. "Why are you doing this? It's been more than seven months, you still think that I will run?" I asked. Did he still think that I will run away? That he needs to keep me locked up. I asked and he laughed at me. I saw him throwing his head back and laughing as he strolled towards the bed closer to me.

He bend down and trailed his finger on my face resting on my chin and lightly pulled it up "You think I keep you locked up because I fear that you will run away. Seriously Sage? You think you can run from me? It's cute that you think that's its even possible" he said mocking me as he sat beside me. He is saying that's its impossible to run from him. He is right, I guess. He caught me before twenty four hours and I didn't even run from him. God knows what he will do if I attempt to run from him. But I was not even trying and if he is so sure that I can't "Then why?" I asked him. "Because I can. Because I own you." He said bluntly.

"I am not an animal" I said disgusted, what does he mean by owning me. That he is a human and I am some dog or cat he owns and he will keep me tied up. "Oh no you are not. You are my property. My toy. Don't even for a second think that you are lucky enough to be some animal. You can't be an animal, because even a stray cat has the choice to choose in which dumpster it will sleep. You on the other hand, are just the puppet whose strings are in my hands" he said as he leaned towards me.

He grabbed my jaw tightly making me wince "Don't forget Sage that if you are walking it's because I allow you to walk, if you are eating its because I allow you to eat, if you are breathing its because I allow you to breathe." He left my face with a jerk. His eyes were still on me and his hands traveled down

"What have I done to you to hate me so much?" I don't know from where the courage is coming, but I am using it till I have it. "Who said that I hate you? I dont hate you, I own you. You are mine and I don't own the stuff I hate. Had I hated you I would have never kept you. Even though I had to marry you on Don's command, I would have killed you in the church itself but see I kept you" he said brushing his knuckles on my cheeks.

"Wh-why yo-you kept me in the penthouse then?" I asked if he didn't hate me then why did he keep me away.

"I didn't have your use till then. I know you weren't jumping at the fact that we married. You were Romano's daughter, I knew you must be good for nothing and I don't have time to train you or the patience to tolerate your whining. But see now you are all trained. You can cook, you can clean. I guess you are now useful enough to be on this side of the house. I didn't have your use till now but yesterday you heard what Don said, now I need you to give birth to my child so now I thought I should bring you here." He said leaving me speechless

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