Chapter 40

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The doorbell rang and today he asked Sabrina to open the door. He didn't dress up like the last time. He though took a shower because he was sleepy when he came but he just got dressed in his casual white t-shirt and charcoal grey jeans.

She opened the door and Don entered. She looked at him with wide eyes "Can we get in, pretty lady?" he said when she was just staring at him. "Um-yeah-I am sorry Mr. Reviello. Please come in, welcome" she said all flustered. But Don's personality does this to people and if they know him as a celebrity this is a natural reaction.

There wasn't any girl today with him. "Well you are as pretty as the last one, hope you are not a lying manipulative bitch like her" came Matteo's voice as he entered. She looked at me and I shook my head for her to not say anything and she understood. She smiled at them and backed from the door for them to enter.

"Matteo Reviello" Matteo extended his hand to shake with her introducing himself "Sabrina" she told him her name while shaking his hand. "Pleasure meeting you" he said as he pecked lightly on the back of her hand making her blush, only if she could know the real face behind this breathtaking smile.

I was standing at a distance inside the foyer peeping for Eve but couldn't see her. "Hi I am Ava, your sister in law, welcome to the family" I heard Ava's sweet voice and a smile came to my lips. Sabrina gave her a hug. Lorenzo and Carla came too and Sabrina greeted them too. Strange that Eve hasn't come neither did Zyan. For the first time there is an event where Matteo is present and Zyan is not.

I greeted Don as they come but he didn't spare me a glance at me, wow just days ago I was the favorite daughter in law and now I don't exist. Atleast Matteo showed his hatred but Don its like I am invisible for him. I reach to Ava but she too didn't acknowledge me and move past me. Now that hurt. Why is she upset with me?

"Sage, serve the dinner" Azriel's voice brought me to present and I nodded. "Why do you keep her, when you already married someone else what's her use" said Ava, really, why Ava has a problem with me, she was my friend and now she is acting like she hates me. Why?

"Leave it to me buttercup" said Azirel in one crisp response ending the discussion.

They were talking with Sabrina asking her about herself and her family. Carla was really helping her converse. She knows how to deal with an outsider and this is where her inner socialite comes to surface and plays the role. Sabrina too told them whatever Dan and Azriel must have told her to say, I am guessing it because the she didn't mention being a stripper instead she told them she worked as a part time waitress and that's how she met Azriel in the diner.

Like Azriel said Sabrina sat on my chair today and Ava sat next to her, only if that day she could have sat next to me.

I served them food and stood behind Azriel's chair where Carlos was standing that night. He is standing today too just a little more farther.

Sabrina was handling them pretty good, but she was nervous and her hands were shivering at every question that Don asks. I saw Azriel held her hand under the table to gave her much needed moral support.

Tears well up in my eyes, because I never got this from Azriel, he never held my hand and gave me the support. He always exercised his control on me. Even if he ever held my hand he just did it to drag me from the place or to hurt me. Why can't he be there for me like he is there for her. Why is it so difficult for him to treat me like a human? Why I had to break myself into this lifeless doll and he is not happy with that even. God knows what he will do tonight with me, the anticipation is killing me.

Azriel's tap on his glass broke my inner musings and I moved forward to refill his drink. "Serve the dessert and then shift the drinks in the living room" he ordered and I nodded and started with what he said. Soon everyone shifted to the living room after having the dessert.

His Beautiful Obedient Toy Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora