Chapter 27

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I was in the kitchen and Dan was here playing on the Playstation.

"Drooling over me Gorgeous" he said with a wink as he laid his joystick down and turned to me. I smiled at his words, though I was staring at him for quite some time now. "Who is Rosalynn Dan?" I asked. I was not staring at him, I was caught up in this one name. He says he is one of the three people he care about so I guess he must know about the other one on the list.

"He didn't tell you?" he said strolling closer to the kitchen.

"The question is will you tell me" I said instead. "Sage...I.." "He cares about her" I said, drifting off to our conversation. "He does, a lot." Dan's words got my attention. I was about to ask more when the main door opened "Signora, there is a call for you" Carlos said giving me a phone. "For me?" I asked amazed.

"Yup" I took the phone "H-Hello" "Hey Sage!!" Came a chirpy voice I was unable to recognize  "um-who is it?" I asked nervously "Its me Ava" " Ava, Hi! How-how are you?" I was so happy to hear from her and surprised, she is one of the few people who don't talk to you like they are going to kill you, but why is Azriel's sister calling me "What's up sister in law"

"All good, all good you tell me how are you, what's new"

"I am totally rocking, and I want you to come and rock with me" she said laughing

"I-I don't understand" I asked perplexed like what is she even saying.

"You and I are going shopping" she said excitedly and I almost drop the pan I am cooking. "Wh-what?"

"Yeah I will pick you up in the evening"

"No-I mean I am not sure"

"But why, you know I so want us to be friends. Please come it will be fun"

"Um-Ava, your brother is not here right now and I don't know-" "Yeah I know he is here to see Dad. How do you think I got Carlos number to call you"

" did-did you ask him about the you know going out on shopping thing"

"Why will I ask him, I said I want to talk to you and he gave me this number, said I can reach you at this".

She kept on elaborating the plan she made and God I am so dying to go with her. To go out. To talk. For once feel the life like it was before I got married. She kept on blabbering about how great it would be and only voice I could hear is you are never stepping out of the house.

"Sage? Sage you there?"

"Yea-yeah. No I don't think so Ava I could go."

"Why but?"

"Look I need to ask your brother and he is not here so -" "here he comes talk to him here"

"Wh-what No no no no no-"

"Brother, Sage wants to talk to you"

"What No No-"

"Yeah Sage"

And the phone trembled from my hand almost falling

"H-h-hello" I checked praying that the phone would have got disconnected.

"Yeah" and it wasn't damn. I moved out of the kitchen to avoid the prying eyes on me of Dan and Carlos and sauntered to our room.

"Ma-master I-I" I said trying to find the words. Dammit Ava. I didn't want to talk to him myself

"Yeah, you what. Ava said you wanted to talk something. So talk"

"I-I ne-needed, I-I mean I-I wan-wanted to ta-take your per-permission"

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