Chapter 21

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"For the first time Dan, for the time there is a fair chance to be the Don. I mean I can't believe what Don said, maybe for once he actually did consider me his son like Matteo" I said to Dan as we are at the center to meet Rosalynn. We were actually playing catch with her. "I am happy that you are getting a chance. I mean you deserve it, and it's rightfully yours too no matter what everyone say, you are the eldest." He said throwing the ball at Rosalynn. "But what are you doing here, you should be with her, making your dream real" he said and I stumbled and fell on my back as I missed the catch and the ball hit me.

"Hey!" I said irritated and then I heard the sound that I crave to hear for. She was laughing. She was laughing hard and I smiled looking at her. "What a kid? Right love. It's like playing with a four year old." Dan said sitting with her on the bed and she agreed with him. "Yeah laugh at me all you want but you distracted me" I said throwing the ball at Dan. It hit his head and she laughed harder.

"You both are clowns" she said and I laughed with her. "And what are you. Rabbit" I said pinching her cheeks. And she giggled. "Come Rosa, I think it's time for light out now." I said and laid her down and Dan got up from the bed. I tucked her in and Dan touched her hair and kissed her head "Goodnight  sweetheart" "Goodnight boyfriend" she said with a soft smile and kissed his cheek when he tapped his finger on it.

"Don't go yet. You still haven't told a story to me" she said stopping me by holding my hand. "Rosa it's late now. Aren't you tired?" I said and she shook her head. "Dire, dire" (tell, tell) "Okay, okay, I will tell you a story." I said and sat at her bedside.

She slept within five minutes and I covered her more with the duvet and left with Dan.

"She was happier today" he said. "Yeah" I said smiling. "Its good that we brought her here. She feels better surrounded by people. She had so many things to tell about Maria, and I don't know how she remembers all their names, even I forget that" he said and I nodded because he was right. Even I just know only one nurse's name but Rosa, she remembers all their names and yeah she do has a lot to talk.

"So don't you think you should be with her, you shouldn't waste time. Bring your girl to your side of the house" he said sitting in the car.

"She is not ready." I told him. "Not ready? What does that mean?" He asked and I let out an irritated sigh. "I mean she is not ready to, you know, to consummate the marriage" I told him. "And how does it matter?" He said with a scoff and I didn't say anything.

I know what he meant, she is my property so it doesn't matter. That's how it goes and I am no different. She is my property and I do control her, but rape, I can't do that. I don't know or care much about emotions and its not like I am expecting her to love me or something but everyone should have given this much respect. I couldn't take if anyone would touch my sister without her consent, I would burn that person alive if they touch Ava, how can I do this to someone else. I did burn someone alive for that, though he didn't die but that druggie had a life long reminder for touching my twelve year old Ava. 

I know in Mafia, men has authority over their wives and no one will find it wrong. Maybe the woman too wouldn't say anything against it but everything is not required to be said explicitly. Raping her would mean I will loose her forever, she will never respect me let alone love. Even I can't respect myself if I couldn't be a man enough to wait for my girl's consent. If I will tear this up we can never go back from there, it will be over forever. It will be tainted and I don't want us to be tainted. 

"Hey I am talking to you" Dan said punching my arm. "Yeah I am listening you" I said "Then say" "I won't do it Dan and you know it. I am not a rapist" I said to him. "Oh c'mon she belongs to you. She is meant for this" he said and I gave him a look "She do belongs to me, but..." "But what, she is your wife" "That's exactly what I am saying, she is my wife. I never touched a whore without her consent how I can do that with my own girl" "Because she is your own girl. You can, she don't have the freedom or authority to walk away or say no to you." he said and she doesn't. "Look dude all I am saying is that I know why you need to be the Don, I know what you have gone through. What you have lost, I see Rosa everyday with you. I know what you go through everyday you see her. You have a chance right in front of you. Although you do have another way too... " "He is my father, killing him is not an option I would jump at no matter how much I hate him." I said knowing what other way he is telling me. Kill the current Don and take over. "Well Don has given you a chance" "And that chance I will take only after she says she is ready." "You wasting your time because of your principles, just know that Matteo won't" he said picking up the water bottle and I know how correct he is. "I won't waste my time either, if she can't accept me I will marry someone else" I said and he coughed out the water he was drinking. "You are fucking with me, right?" he said. "No, I am not. I am not going to rape her, its her choice" "Dude you will not do that"  "Why?" I asked bewildered. This seems the most plausible solution to me. "No you are not" "But why?" "Because you can't leave her. For the first time I saw you looking twice towards a girl. For the first time I saw a flicker of emotion in your eyes, you have never seen yourself when you look at her in the CCTV, I have seen you. I am not letting that go." he said and I laughed. "Yeah I know you find it crazy but I don't want you to-" "Who said I will let her go" I said cutting him mid way. "I don't understand, if you will marry someone else...?" "You are right Dan, she is different. The first girl ever who has caught my attention for this long. She is so different from what I imagined her to be being Romano's daughter. No matter how barbaric or primal this ownership I feel towards her is, but I am not ready to let that go. I will keep her with me. Always." I said drifting off in her thoughts. I remember her sitting on her window looking out, I remember her drying her wet hair, cooking, failing, trying, singing, even crying in her penthouse. I cannot not see her again. I am not letting her go. 

And now, now when I brought her to my side of the house, no chance in hell she is going to sleep somewhere else apart from my bed.

"Woah, so my brother is in love" Dan said happily and I shook my head on his antics. I don't know if its love or not and I don't care what to call it all I know she is mine and she is not going anywhere ever.

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