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September 1978
Year 7

"El, i'm going to say this once, no taking the piss in Hogwarts, I don't want anymore owls, I didn't do it in Ilvermorny but I will not hesitate to send a howler." Her dad said repeating what he said when she first went to Ilvermorny.

She got to platform 9 and 3/4 and saw the scarlett train that everyone talks about, she was hit with a sense of euphoria and she knew that this was about to be home.

"Boys, there are your robes, now quick get your trunk because you'll miss the train at this rate, and James, leave poor Lily alone this year." A woman said with the most comforting voice i've ever heard. One that would make you open up when you first meet them.

"Mum, we wouldn't be running late if Sirius just left his hair alone, and this is the year for me and my Lilyflower, just you wait." A boy she's assuming is named James said.

"Whatever you say Prongs, she said last year and I quote 'I will not go on a date with you, you are an insufferable toerag', give up mate." Sirius said in a mocking tone.

Eloise couldn't help but laugh, she had no idea what she was getting herself into but there was only one way to find out. She stepped onto the train and stepped into a new beginning.


Eloise realised she got on the train too late when she saw that every compartment had someone on it. She walked past a girl with curly hair, dark chocolate coloured eyes and a warm smile who seemed alone sat in a compartment.

"Hey, are you new here?" Eloise heard a low, sweet voice come from the compartment.

"Oh yeah, hi, my names Eloise, i got ex- i'm a transfer from Ilvermorny." Eloise told her.

"I'm Mila, you can sit if you'd like, I'm just waiting for some friends but there's space for you here and honestly they're slightly crazy but not that bad." Mila rambled.

"Honestly, that would be great, I know no one here and to be very honest i'm stressed." Eloise said, any stress she once had left and she could breathe.

The first chat the girls had was just introductions. Eloise and Mila then heard a loud voice. "Why the fuck is there a hot girl in our compartment?!"

Then they heard running, 3 boys came running in one with dirty blonde hair, icy blue eyes and a sweet smile; another with long raven coloured hair and grey eyes you could honestly get lost in.

Then the last one, a tall boy, glasses, brown eyes but with specks of green in them. She found him mesmerising.

She was quickly snapped out of her daze when Sirius Black sat next to her and a boy with scars across his face, a chucky jumper and the warmest smile walked in.

"The name is Sirius darling, i'm the best of the group, that's Remus, that's Peter, obviously you've met Mila and-"

"I'm James."

Those eyes. Those goddamn eyes left her speechless.

Those eyes. Those goddamn eyes left him speechless.

"Um- I'm Eloise, you are all okay with me being here right?" Eloise questioned, she didn't want to intrude on a friendship group.

"Honestly Eloise its fine, i wanted someone new in the group anyway i'm sick of these lot." Remus speaks up.

Eloise giggles. "Thank you, honestly I have never wanted to be somewhere more than Hogwarts but i'm also shit scared of what's to come."

James genuinely couldn't take his eyes off her. He loves Lily and he probably just finds Eloise attractive, I mean who wouldn't? She is so beautiful it hurts anyone would think it. So he shrugged it off, he needs to get to know her first before he even thinks about that.

The train ride was smooth, it was just a group of people getting to know the new girl, she immediately felt included and fit in with these lot.

Eloise has a bold personality, very feisty and knows what she wants and how to get it, this was one of her downfalls in the past, she always got what she wanted.

Half an hour into the journey a girl with long, red hair came through the train telling everyone to get their robes on.

"Ah Evans looking gorgeous as always" James said.

Lily is perfect, it makes sense why James loves her so much.

After James tried it with Lily once again and got the answer no he sat down looking defeated.

Not long later the group got to Hogwarts, the start of an adventure for Eloise.


Hi, why is the first chapter such a pain the write, ugh anyway keep reading because it will get better. Enjoy ig!

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