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The party didn't really die down until 3am, meaning the group didn't get much sleep at all, the common room was a mess but the best memories were made.

Eloise was still fast asleep, it was 11am and the only reason she got to the dorm room and didn't sleep on the couch is because Lily practically dragged her there.

"Eloiseeee, wake up." Mila tried to wake her up but failed miserably.

"Piss off it's sleep time." Eloise mumbled.

Mila walks down the stairs to the common room.

"I give up! It's no use she's going to be asleep till 2 at this rate."

"Has Evans tried to wake her?" Sirius asked.

"Yep, she probably needs a true loves kiss to wake her up." Lily jokes.

"Oh Prongs, you're wanted!" Remus shouts.

"Very funny." James tries to hide a smile.

"No but seriously I'll give it a go, I know a charm to get up the stairs without it turning into a slide. Wait, shit that sounds like I'm going to kiss her-" James looked unbelievably embarrassed. "I won't kiss Els, oh for fuck sake."

"Els? Prongs is whipped. He didn't even give Lily a nickname, no offence Lily." Peter said.

"Wait, Prongs likes Davies?" Sirius asks.

"God you're so fucking dim Padfoot, are you blind? Like have you seen the way he looks at her?" Remus said sarcastically.

"Right I'm done with this conversation I'm going to wake her." James gets up blocking his ears.

He charms the stairs and proceeds to climb them trying to hide his smirk from the recent conversation.

He sees Eloise fast asleep on her side, he felt awful waking her because she looked so peaceful. Even though her hair was all over the place, her mouth was open slightly and she was snoring slightly. To him she was beautiful. He'd not tell her that though, not yet at least.

"Els, you're going to miss lunch, wake up please." James whispered.

"Nope." Eloise replied.

"Yes, I am prepared to drag you out of this bed in a minute."

"Do it then, dare you." Eloise mumbled.

"Okay, don't say I didn't warn you, Els!" James proceeded to pick up her practically dead weight body with ease and throws her over his shoulder.

Eloise was now wide awake, she didn't think he would actually forcefully get her out of bed.

"James, I swear to god put me the fuck down!"

She didn't call him Potter.

James noticed this but chose not to make a big deal out of it.


He ran down the dorm stairs and threw her on the common room couch.

"You prick!" Eloise said jokingly.

"So you woke her up then?" Lily asked.

"Of course, I just have different ways you lot were far too nice." James said.

"I'm going to get ready then we are going for food I'm starving, and James, I will get you back for this!" Eloise then walked up the dorm stairs and got ready.

For someone who only just woke up she was wide awake, more than likely because she had just been dragged up but she was awake nonetheless.

She put on a Chucky jumper and a pair of dungarees on, she then put her hair in a messy bun and put a slight bit of makeup on. There wasn't a point in making much of an effort to go sit in the hall.

The group walked down the hallway watching rain fall on the grounds of Hogwarts and practically admired it's beauty. No matter how long you have been in Hogwarts the sight of it never gets annoying. Each year it gets that slight bit more magical.

The group were quite a few steps ahead of James and Eloise, they were stood at the side watching the rainfall.

"I've always wanted to dance in the rain, with someone of course, even if there was no music, there's something so peaceful about dancing with the one in weather that can be so violent. It's a contrast almost between love and sadness, that was really deep I'm sorry-" Eloise rambles.

"No, don't be sorry I love talking to people about stuff like this. But I agree, Els," The nickname still sending a swarm of butterflies to the centre of her stomach. "I've always wanted to dance with my person whilst getting completely drenched and then more than likely getting a cold, but it would be worth it."

Eloise laughs, she knew sadly he didn't feel the same but she honestly adored him. From the way he looks to the way he is so passionate about most subjects and quidditch. But it's not just that, he had the most inciting personality she had ever known, he didn't change for people, the way he portrayed himself was the way he was with everyone.

So for now both of them even though they were both besotted, they'd watch each-other from afar; letting their feelings be delicate but real.




I want them to get together already :/

This took a few days I apologise lmao

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