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In the boys dorm the only ones really bothered about their looks were Sirius and James.

Sirius always dressed to impress, the same leather jacket that seemed to fit like glove and band tees from queen, the rolling stones, sex pistols. You name it he had them.

James ruffled his hair making the curls stick up in many different directions. Yet he made it work, merlin he always did. Honestly it was as if you couldn't find a fault in that boy and to everyone else it was annoying that he could never be disliked.

Well by everyone who wasn't Lily Evans.

"Prongs you look fine, you always look fine stop stressing yourself out." Remus spoke up clearly frustrated with the boys taking forever.

Peter was sat on his bed eating chocolate frogs he bought on the train.

"Moony's right, if Evans doesn't like you for you maybe it's time to move on, find someone new at some point because you deserve someone, Prongs." Sirius agreed.

Sirius and James were like brothers it was an immediate connection between the two, something more than friendship, more like brotherhood.

When the boys had finally finished they heard a knock on the door, of course it was Mila, she was like a member of the marauders even though she wasn't named on the map she did a lot of the work and didn't get the credit.

She didn't care though, their friendship was by far enough for her.

Mila was quickly followed by Eloise. The boys jaws fell because she looked like something out of Witch Weekly, she was honestly ethereal. The type you'd have to take two glances at when you are walking down the street because she looks unreal.

"This party better live up to what you have all been saying today because if it's not you all owe me." Eloise said.

"Davies, you have no idea the party experience you are about to have, think the Ilvermorny parties times 10." James answered.

"You have no idea what we experienced in Ilvermorny, but the parties were shit so i mean you're not wrong there-" Eloise said realising James was absolutely right.

They all laugh, it honestly wasn't even that funny but even after a day the group felt so right.


As they walked down the boys dorm stairs all eyes were on them, as if they were d list celebrities, girls swooned over the boys and both boys and girls glanced at Mila. No one could take their eyes off Eloise though, she completely blew people away by doing nothing.

She didn't understand but honestly what could she complain about?

She goes over to the couches with the group and helped herself to a fire whisky, she wouldn't drink more than one. She'd known them a day and wasn't willing to embarrass herself.

"So, we need to decide designated parent tonight, usually it's Moony but honestly mate you need to let loose." James said hinting to Lupin.

"Yeah, I'm sick of taking care of you all it's one of your goes this time." Remus agreed.

"Not me." Everyone but Eloise chorused.

"Guys i'll do it, i'm not drinking much anyway it just makes sense."

"Woah, no you can't do all of that on your own, look i'll help out." Mila exclaimed knowing how the boys can be.

"Okay um i'm going to get food anyone want anything?" Peter asks.

The others shake their heads and get into a conversation about how James and Lily seem perfect but still haven't got together.

To Eloise they seemed perfect for eachother, the type of relationship only authors could write about, the type that could never be real, but here it seemed real.

Well James loved Lily at least but it was absolutely one sided, that was the saddest part.

It didn't take long for them all to let loose, even when Eloise didn't drink she was the life of the party, dancing to any song that came on and talking to everyone a little bit.

James however looked like a kicked puppy.

"You good?" Eloise asked.

"Everyone's having fun and i'm sulking over some girl, except she isn't some girl, it's Lily." He answered.

"She seems special, she really does." Eloise said trying to be comforting.

"She is, too special for me, and honestly I get it. She doesn't want me and that's her choice. After 6 years maybe it's time to move on." James comes to a realisation.

"Look i've known you for a day, literally not even 24 hours and I can tell how much you care for her but you might be right here, there might just be someone else at some point, not yet but someday." Eloise said.

James nods and smiles. They talk about many other things until the group comes together and the party dwindles down. Each of them leaving to go to the dorms the resided in.

"Goodnight." They chorused.


another chapter done. I hated this one tbh but it needed to happen for James to realise he needs to stop chasing Lily so yanno.

It's really late and i have to be up at 7 tomorrow god help me.

So goodnight, next chapter will be up at some point in the next few days :)

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