twenty two

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Whilst the group were studying for NEWTs in the library the summer rain started lashing on the windows.

Then after a month of no lightning they saw the first flash.

"Sirius get the potion from the dorm quick!" James said happily.

"Accio potion." Eloise said with ease. "You idiots thought you'd have to run to the dorm."

"My girl friend girls, boys and any non-binary pals." James said proudly.

"Right I'm off to turn into an animal, see ya!" Eloise walked off with James, Sirius and Peter leaving Lily and Remus studying. Marlene was off doing god knows what with Mary and Dorcas.

They put the potion on the floor and almost 30 seconds later the lightning hit it and Eloise started transforming.

There stood a beautiful doe.

The other three began to transform into their animagus forms. Sirius a black shaggy dog which Eloise thought was very fitting. Peter was a small rat that looked somewhat timid. And James was a big stag, he walked over to the doe and let her nestle her head into the crook of his neck.

They transformed back with ease Eloise looked happy but slightly anxious.

"Well that was well and truly something." Eloise said as she transformed back to human form.

"You get used to it, love." James said before kissing her forehead.

"Can we go get drunk now?" Sirius asked impatiently.

"No we cannot we have our first NEWT in two days however we can go get a shit ton of food." Peter compromised.

"Okay fine, I hate you all." Sirius said.

"Sure you do Padfoot." Eloise said sarcastically.

They walked to the common room ready to relax for the night before the full moon tomorrow.

Eloise woke up still shook up from the night before. Knowing tonight was the first full moon with Remus was scaring her a little. It wasn't as if she was scared of Remus but it would be a lie to say what she was doing wasn't dangerous.

But she still had to assure him he was the furthest thing from a monster. I mean like Lily said when she found out (which was a little after Eloise) 'he folds his socks, no monster does that'.

So she went about her day as normal, tried to make Remus feel as normal as possible and assured James that she was fine about going out with them.

Before she knew it she stood before the whomping willow. Her heart was beating so fast she could hear it.

They walked down the passage with a weak Remus that knew the amount of pain he was going to be in.

When they made it to the Shrieking Shack Remus went to the other end of the room ready for his transformation.

"Don't watch El, please, I don't want you to think of me as a disgusting monster." Remus said weakly.

"Youre no monster Remus 'I eat toast with four different toppings' Lupin. I love you so much, nothing will change that, not even a furry little problem." Eloise assured him but still turned away like he requested.

His pained howls filled the room making a tear fall down her cheek. No one, especially Remus Lupin, deserved to go through the amount of pain he was. It was simply unfair.

Eloise quickly transformed to her doe form, along with James, Sirius and Peter turning into their animagi.

What she didn't expect was how welcoming Moony was that night. She expected him to be angry however he let her walk to him and she didn't push it but she could at least be close to him.

Once it was safe to do so they wondered into the forbidden forest, running around as animals, something they never thought they'd do.

They got back to the shrieking shack just in time for the transformation back and for Madame Pomfrey to get back to get Remus to the hospital wing.

The other 4 were tired from the lack of sleep but they'd do anything for Remus.

"He was okay tonight, Jamsie." Eloise said holding his hand.

"Yeah, it still hurts to hear him go through that though. I don't think it'll ever get easier." James said with a tinge of sadness in his voice.

"Let's go get some sleep, or some food." Peter said after a yawn.


Happy (not so happy) 24th june.

Hope ur okay up there ced /*

And it's a full moon so

Double homocide

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