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The first day of the prank wars went excellent. No detentions were given to Eloise or James however one was given to Lily and Peter who didn't do a very good job at hiding their kitchen nightmare 'prank'.

The second day didn't go so well for Sirius and Remus either, they ended up with 3 detentions for attempting to glue Minnies hat to her head, obviously failing miserably because they used the wrong glue and Mcgonagall wouldn't stand for that either way, although she did look slightly amused.

Monday came around and James and Eloise had a perfect yet simple prank planned on Mila and Marlene, another group yet to get a detention.

They had transfiguration first meaning Mcgonagall would let them in slightly earlier.

The duo knock on her door innocently and they get the all clear to come in.

"Minnie, my absolute favourite teacher how you doing?" James asks.

"Hello, Mcgon, isn't the snow just so breathtakingly beautiful today?"

"What mayhem are you causing today?" Mcgonagall didn't fall for their bullshit, although she was always amused when they pulled pranks.

"Actually we were just wondering if me, James, Sirius and Remus could use your room to do some last minute studying later?" Eloise says innocently with a charming smile on her face.

"Fine but I have to leave you to go see Professor Dumbledore in around ten minutes." Mcgonagall says completely oblivious to their plans.

"Oh that won't be an issue Minnie, take your time!" James reassures.

"Take a biscuit and go get the other two." Mcgonagall gets back to last minute work.

They walk out the classroom pumping their fist to the sky in victory.

Remus and Sirius weren't in on it either they genuinely thought it was last minute studying so when their head was down writing Eloise slipped to one of cupboards picking out a book on how to turn James into something else.

She was amazing at transfiguration and so was James meaning this was going to be easy for her.

They eventually decided on changing James into Marlene's chair and then scaring her, it's simple yet effective and with Mcgonagall still with Dumbledore it was the perfect time.

"Hey, can you two go get Marles for me?" Eloise turns to Remus and Sirius to ask.

They nod their head and leave the room.

Eloise transfigures James with ease almost seconds before Marlene walked through the door.

"I was eating my fucking breakfast what do you want?" Marlene walks in slightly frustrated.

"Um i don't get this question and apparently according to Lily you got a similar one right last lesson so I thought you could help." Eloise gave a believable explanation.

"Okay fine," Marlene sat on her chair for barely a minute to explain the question before Eloise untransfigured it disguising the spell as the one her and Marlene were doing.


"That'll be a detention Miss McKinnon." Mcgonagall says as she walks in the door unexpectedly.

Just by the skin of their teeth, they escaped detention.

The week went like this with James and Eloise only landing themselves one detention for hexing a Slytherin who was giving Remus bother.

It was the last day of the prank war and the results were in.

"So in first place who will be given eternal glory and 20 galleons to share is obviously me and Els." James boasts and faint applause can be heard from the people with sad faces.

"Second place is Padfoot and Moony who only got themselves 2 detentions. Third place is Wormtail and Lily who missed second place by 2 detentions, close call, and last Marlene and Mila."

"Sucks to be us." Mila says.

"Hey I will suit pink hair, i suit anything. Look at me I'm fucking hot." Marlene says.

"True-" Lily mumbles.

"Play your cards right and we will get you a butterbeer with our 20 galleons." James says.

"We? I think the fuck not Jamsie."Eloise says sarcastically.

"Jamsie? That's got a nice ring to it." James jokes.

Eloise roles her eyes at him, she didn't even realise what she called him but she wasn't bothered that she did. At least they weren't still on last name basis.


I hate this but I've got writers block rn so enjoy bbys

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