Canada / Eva Cudmore

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I'm sitting on the couch, watching Eva say goodbye to everyone. It kinda makes me want to cry that she leaves, even tho we don't really like each other. Which is weird because we live in the same house, but not everyone who lives together have to be besties right.

I don't know why we don't like each other tho, she was being mean to me when I first came to Just a House. And if she's mean to me than I'm going to be mean to her. We once got into a big fight because she thought I kissed her boyfriend, I'm sorry, now ex boyfriend. I tried to tell her that I didn't do it, I would never 'cause Connor is just not my type plus I wouldn't try to break someone's relationship. She got aggressive, and when I'm telling you she has a good swing, just know I mean it.

We are professionals though and we never took it out to a public light, so there wasn't any drama on tik tok or other social medias. But that's a story for another time, back to present now.

She made tik tok with Zack, in which they hugged. She made tik tok with Emma, Emma's totally crying, she's a big softie. She recorded one with Christian and with others. Actually I want to make one too, but I would never say it out loud and she'd never agree on one. She just genuinely hates me and everyone including our fans knows it.

I don't like hugs and I've never hugged anyone here, but the thought of her leaving makes me want to hug her so bad, and just never let go.

Why am I having these thoughts if I don't even like her?

Maybe I do...

"I love you guys so much" Eva said with a smile and hugged everyone again. She wasn't crying though "Not you Y/n"

She grabbed her baggage and bag and walked to the door. She was about to walk out but I stopped her.

"Wait Eva!" I yelled. I don't know what's gotten into me but I got up from the couch and run to her.

"What do you wa-" she cut herself off when I wrapped my arm around her neck in a tight hug. I thought she was gonna push me away but, surprisingly she put her arms around my waist pulling me even closer and started rubbing my back with her thumb.

"I'm gonna miss you" I whispered, she didn't say anything back but I could hear quiet sniffles coming from her. "Are you crying Eva?"

"Mhm" she hid her head in the crock of my neck and I felt her tears on my skin. "Fuck you, you made me cry. I swore to God that I wasn't going to cry today. It worked until now" She said and I giggled. "I'm gonna miss you too, y/n/n"

"A nickname?"

"Shut up" she said and hugged me tighter.


It's been three weeks since Eva left and because I'm from Canada I need to go back there too. I talked with her on face time already and she agreed for me to stay with her in her apartment for this time.

We actually talked only twice in those two weeks but it's a big win that we talked at all, without a fight.

Now I'm at the airport waiting for my Uber to arrive and drive me to Eva's apartment.


"Thank you sir"

"No problem, be safe" he said and drove away. I went into the building, I took elevator on the sixth floor where Eva's apartment is and waited few seconds. When I got there I knocked on her door. She opened them with a big smile. I never thought she would smile when she sees me.

"Come on" she pulled me in and hugged me. I, of course hugged her back. "Not gonna lie, I missed you a little" she said and we pulled away from each other.

"You lied anyway 'cause you missed me a lot" I smirked and she shoved my shoulder. "I missed you too Evan" I said. I decided to make a bold move and kiss her cheek, her face immediately flushed a dark red color.

She showed me 'my room' where I could unpack my clothes and set up all my stuff. And after two hours of unpacking and Eva coming to check on me every twenty minutes, I don't know why she was doing this but let's not question it, I was finally done and I went to the living room.

"Do you want something to eat?" Eva asked and sit beside me on the couch.

"Wow is THE Eva Cudmore asking me if I'm hungry?" I joked but her face dropped.

"Never mind, I was just trying to be nice" she got up and walked to her room. I sighned and followed her.

"Eva I'm sorry, I was just joking. I'm not used to you being nice to me, especially since you hate me" I said and she stopped walking.

"Who told you I hate you?" the hurt on her face now fully visible. I've never seen her like that.

"You act like you do, I mean, you did, from the moment you met me until the day I hugged you" I said and came up to her, we are now a foot away from each other. "Why?"


"Look at me Eva, I'm here" I said and grabbed her face making her look at me.

"I don't hate you...I never did. I like you..."

"What?!" I took my hands off her face.

"I'm not sure why I acted like this but I know that when I first saw you I felt something, something strong. I was mad at myself 'cause you were straight-"

"I'm not-" I cut her off but then she cut me off.

"Let me finish, like I said. I was mad at myself 'cause you were straight. I tried to find a way to get rid of my feelings for you so I figured out that if you won't like me and won't speak to me they'll fade away, so I was mean to you, but they didn't" She took a breath "I found another way, I got with Connor, I know it was wrong but he broke up with me anyway. The fact that you came out as y/s (your sexuality) didn't help either" she said and I grabbed her hand trying to calm her down. "I couldn't help but think about you everyday...I still do..."

"What about the time you punched me because you thought I kissed Connor?" I asked her. "Which I didn't because...just eww"

"I don't know why I punched you, I'm sorry about that" she said and looked down "I think I was just mad because you were so touchy and flirty with Mads and I thought you like her. I guess when you hugged me, something in me broke, your hug was just so...warm and nice. I could hold you like this forever..."

"Mads not my type. I like little brunettes with pretty brown eyes, very sassy and confident" I smiled and she looked up.

"You do?"

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