Chapter Thirty Three

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Heeeeeey guys!


I know I'm a little late but you guys know that I've been preparing for exams and stuff, wish me luck they start next week!

Anyways, I haven't usual.


Thirty Three

My body jerked once again as Drake drove speedily down the empty road. It felt like we had been driving for hours when in fact it only had been about ten minutes. My heart was still drumming from the risk of dying from his insanely fast driving. My hands were clinging to the seat as if my life depended on it.

"Drake, could you maybe, I don't know...slow the hell down!" I shrieked in the end as he took a sharp corner making me jolt forward. I nearly banged my head on the dashboard. That wouldn't have been pain free.

I don't know whether he was ignoring me or he just simply didn't hear me but either way he didn't listen. I stared at him with a worried frown. His hands were clenched around the steering wheel in a vice grip. His eyes were furrowed deeply and his jaw was clenched so hard that I knew it was bound to be painful.

I stayed quiet. I knew he didn't want to say anything right now; it was obvious that whatever thoughts were running through his mind weren't happy ones. His face was a shadow of darkness. There was no denying that he wasn't emotionally in the vehicle with me.

I had no idea where we were going but when I turned to look out the window, I felt the familiarity of the place kick in. Drake stopped the car near the woodsy path that we had to walk to get into the forest. I remember the last time I had come here. I had shared my first kiss with Drake here.

I smiled to myself.

Then all of a sudden my door was pulled open. My heart drummed wildly before seeing Drake standing there stiffly. I breathed out in relief, thinking it was some crazy axe man ready to murder us both. I guess I was so into taking in the surroundings that I didn't realise Drake was already out of the car.

I stepped out and looked into the darkness between the trees we had to walk through. Drake locked the car and then started to walk forward. My heart sunk at how quiet he was being. I followed him a little behind and I knew he was aware of my presence since the twigs under my boots crunched with each step.

After a little while we finally made it into the clearing. The sun had already set so the only soft light was coming from the millions of stars shining from above. I watched as Drake quietly sat down on the grass, his face frowned with dark thoughts. I made my way towards him and just as quietly sat beside the one guy who made my life so much more bearable.

I followed his gaze to see the mountains, which looked to be miles away from us. The river below us, a little further ahead was gentle in its current. I sighed softly as we sat in silence. I didn't want to break it; I wanted to give him the chance to explain in his own time.

A few minutes passed by and slowly I closed my eyes and breathed in the earthy scent. A soft breeze whispered at my skin and I felt the goose bumps run across my arms. It wasn't too cold and I had a jumper on so it was okay. I hadn't looked at Drake and for some reason; I felt that if I did then I wouldn't be able to keep my mouth shut.

"I was ten when I found out about gangs," he started and I slowly turned to look at him. He kept his face forward as he continued, "I was only ten when my life was pulled from its innocence and swept into a world full of murder and violence."

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