Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

I had just got back from playing with Tommy and tucking him into bed with a bedtime story at Nana’s. She asked me if I wanted to stay at her place but I just didn’t want to be a burden. She’s already letting Tommy stay until my Mother comes back from her trip. Although I didn’t have a problem to look after him myself, she insisted on keeping him.

So here I was, sitting on the couch, watching some random, dull movie on a Friday night with a cup of hot chocolate at nine in the evening like a granny. I would usually study or maybe cook something to pass time before going to bed.

How depressing.

I was starting to doze off when I heard the sound of the doorbell ring, and then some continuous knocking after. I checked the time to see it was half nine and I was not expecting any company.

I looked down to find myself wearing Drakes black shirt and some boxer shorts that couldn’t be seen, since the shirt reached a little above my knees.

Oh well, I’m sure it was some wrong delivery guy. Or maybe some kids on a dare since the knocking still hadn’t stopped. Bloody pesky kids always making me get up from my comfy spot.

Once I opened the door, I got shoved back immediately as two people with big bags in their hands came hurtling in. I didn’t even have time to comprehend what was going on when I heard their voices.

“Jesus Rose! Take your time, its freezing outside!” Jessie complained, putting two shopping bags down before rubbing her hands together to warm her up. Her nose was a little red as she scrunched it up.

“What took you so long,” Maria moaned, also putting two shopping bags down on the table. Her cheeks were rosy as she puffed out air.

I looked outside to see if there was anyone else, and realised it was indeed freezing cold. Closing the door behind me to keep my house warm, I looked at my two closest girl friends making themselves at home.

“What are you both doing here?” I asked, utterly confused at their entrance.

“Well, me and Maria both think that we all haven’t had proper girlie time and we just knew that you’d be doing nothing on a Friday night so we’re having a sleep over!” Jessie announced excitedly.

“And we brought chocolates, sweets, ice cream, crisps, drinks, popcorn and a load of DVD’s and some other stuff,” Maria listed off animatedly.

“We’re not sleeping until everything’s finished so it’s going to be a long night! Plus we feel like we haven’t talked to you in ages Rose,” Jessie said, the last part coming out quietly. Maria nodded in agreement.

“Aw you guys!” I grinned before rushing over to them to squeeze them into one massive bear hug. They went through all that effort just to spend some time with me? It was so thoughtful and my heart couldn’t help but warm.

“You guys are the best!” I said with a huge smile. I wasn’t close with any girls except these two. They were cool and down to earth- my type of people. I didn’t mean to distance myself from them but even still they stuck with me.

They both looked at each other with big grins and I started to laugh as they simultaneously said, “We know.”

“I’m going to go change into my PJ’s,” Jessie announced whilst grabbing her night bag.

“Same here, might as well get comfy,” Maria agreed.

“Oh and Rose?” I heard Jessie from the stairs.

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