Chapter Twenty Two

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 I want to dedicate this chapter to xxLastSummerxx for the lovely cover on the side. Thank you so much for taking the time to make one, i love it :)

Here's the chapter you guys have so patiently waited for, it's super cute! 


 Chapter Twenty-Two

"You're going on an actual date with Drake Night? Just the two of you?" Jessie asked for the hundredth time.

I just got back from school, after having an uneventful day. Although it felt like, for some reason, the day was dragging on. Maybe because I hadn't seen Drake all day and when I asked the guys, they just tapped their noses, indicating that it was a secret, which only earned them an annoyed scowl from me.

"Yes Jess, I'm going on a date with a Drake, and yes Jess it's just us," I huffed but I still couldn't wipe the stupidly goofy smile off my face.

"Well it's about time he asked you again," she grumbled, plunking herself on the sofa, next to Maria.

I sat opposite them, resting my feet on the coffee table.

"Something's different about you Rose," Maria mused, staring at me with her head tilted to the side.

"I agree," Jessie nodded her head.

"How so?" I asked.

"I don't know, you just seem...happier," Maria smiled.

"I think Drakes having a good influence on you, who would have thought?" Jessie laughed.

I looked at the two girls with a small smile.

I guess I did feel lighter. But I shrugged at them, not knowing what to say.

"Will you be alright getting ready on your own?" Maria asked kindly.

"Yeah definitely, give my love to your little bro's," I smiled.

Maria and Jessie both had to attend a football match where their brothers were playing against another team from a different state so they couldn't stay. I found it sweet the way they supported their brothers, everybody should have at least one person cheering them on.

"We will," Maria got up and gave me a warm hug.

"Tomorrow! Details!" Jessie looked at me sternly, moving Maria out the way to give me a big hug.

"Yeah yeah we'll see, now get out of here," I laughed as they walked out the door.

Closing the door behind me, I ran up the stairs and straight into my bedroom only to look for my phone. Once I found it on the pillow, I started to type a quick text to Drake.

Where were you today? I asked him.

Why? Did you miss me? His reply came quick and I smiled at that.

No, Grant kept me entertained. I typed back. I'm not sure why I even wrote that.

I had to wait a little longer for the reply.

Good for you and him then. I felt a bit bad.

I lied. I did miss you. I looked at the text for a moment before I sent it, feeling slightly nervous.

Gosh. Drake was seriously making me feel things I hadn't felt before. It was ridiculous, I was acting like such a little girl, hanging on to every word of his. But I just couldn't shake it off.

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