Chapter Sixteen

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I know it's a bit of a late upload but I've been really busy with exams and stuff soooo to make up for it, I've written a LONG chapter which is twenty one pages on word :O Please show the support !

Hope you guys like it...

 Chapter Sixteen

I was in a good mood.

Things finally felt like they were looking up. The smile from Friday night never left my lips and it was Monday today. I felt so much lighter, so much happier. The things I've been able to do are crazy simply because of my mood. Nana was even asking about my health, probably wondering if I had edged over to insanity.

I had played with Tommy for hours. I took him out to the park and treated him to ice- cream even though I had hardly any money but I didn't care. I think even he was surprised when I laughed continuously throughout the day and talked with Nana with a genuinely happy smile permanently etched across my face.

In the evenings I would go to the gym without having to look at my Father's letter. I knew he would be watching so I trained hard just as he had taught me to. I stayed in the gym for hours, pushing myself harder every time to get the best out of me. The men in there have turned their frowns into smiles whenever I walked through the door. I finally earned their respect and it made feel pretty damn good. I would watch some of the boxing fights in the ring but whenever I felt like going up there and showing how it's really done, I would rush out of the gym. I wasn't ready for that yet but that was okay.

Time heals pain right?

Drake had texted me last night which may have been one of the reasons I was in a particularly cheerful mood. He said and I quote, 'It's Monday tomorrow Rosie, means I get to see you,' unquote.

It was such a simple text yet it held the meaning of wanting to see me again. Now that felt pretty damn amazing and those butterflies didn't let me forget it.  I mean, could he possibly have missed me as much as I had missed him?

I shook my head.

Yeah right, I thought.

"But what about that kiss you shared," my inner voice chimed.

I blushed at the memory of the kiss. I had been thinking about it all weekend and when I told Jessie and Maria the details...well lets just say they were overly ecstatic. You wouldn't want to be there because it was a little scary and deafening with all the excited screaming.

I shook my head, remembering I was in English; my second lesson on a Monday morning and all I could think about was Drake and that little fairytale of a kiss. I still couldn't help but worry though; I just hoped it wouldn't be awkward seeing him.

What if it was a mistake?

I felt a little bit panicked and then took a few deep breaths, silently scolding myself at my silliness. Come on Rose, he even texted you last night as well. It's not like he's ignoring you. Now that would be a reason to worry over.

"It's okay," I mumbled quietly to myself, listening to the teacher go on about Romeo and Juliet. We were going to study this until the end of the year but I didn't mind. I guess if we had to study something in English I would want it to be this, something twistingly romantic.

"Psstt Rose," Jessie nudged me on the side as she sat next to me. She had been randomly scribbling little patterns in her book. I guess she was bored and I knew this lesson was one she usually slept in.

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