Alex's Arrangement

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Alex put on her white tee with the sleeves cut off, blue jeans that hugged her butt and draped her heels

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Alex put on her white tee with the sleeves cut off, blue jeans that hugged her butt and draped her heels. Topped it off with a rancher hat. She gave herself a light face beat, cute, but not doing too much.

She waited outside Paco's for a few minutes, making friends with the parking attendant. Up walks Bianca, high heels, short dress, thick curves, and bouncy curls. Alex watched her walk, staring from the cute painted toes to the legs, breasts, lips, then eyes. Alex smiled.

Wednesday happy hour always popped off at Paco's. Alex and Bianca try to link up a few times a month to catch up on each other's lives. They met at work orientation. They had messed around a few times over the years but never took it seriously.

7pm - Alex and Bianca are a few drinks deep.

"Ya know, all this time we've known each other and worked together and I don't know much about your family. Tell me more about yourself." - Bianca

"Which part?" -Alex

"The part you don't share often." - Bianca

"I'm from a small family. My dad wasn't in the picture most of my life. My mom did what she could to take care of us. It was mostly me and my sister trying to makes sense of it all and take care of each other. " - Alex

"Where is your sister now?" - Bianca

"She's in South Carolina. I'm going to visit her in a few weeks. How about you?" - Alex

"My family is from Milwaukee. It's funny, when I told my parents I was gay, I thought they would flip a shit but there were so cool about it. Shocked though, they didn't realize not all lesbians are masculine. We grew up really religious, but my ma would always tell me, it's about what kind of person you are in this world. Who cares what your sexuality is. Ya know?" - Bianca

"When you told me about the program you were putting together for community outreach. I was impressed. You're the kind of person we need more of. Someone who wants better for our communities. There are a lot of black and brown LGBTQ youth that need support. Financially, emotionally, all of it." - Alex

Bianca smiled at Alex.

"Alex, we have a lot in common. I don't know why we never tried something. It seems like I have been chasing you for a while now. Aside from our random hook ups, these nights are really nice. We've been here almost 3 hours now and it barely feels like time has passed. You and Lena are official over, right?" - Bianca

"Yeah...I am. It was kind of rough with Lena. But she's moved on. The break up was crazy. I sent her the last of her stuff that was at my apartment a few months ago. She text me when she got it and that was that." - Alex

"When I introduced you two, I didn't think she'd actually go through with it. Lena was in a relationship and she knew I was interested in you. I just figured you both liked live music and she was a long time friend who just moved here so why not set you guys up. ..for a friendship! I should have known better." - Bianca

"Yeah, who would have thought it would turn into a 3 year relationship." - Alex

"Hell, who would have thought Lena was gay!" - Bianca

"So, you're not seeing anyone now?" - Bianca

"It's complicated. " - Alex

"Oh boy..." - Bianca

"We have an arrangement. She has a boyfriend so I am trying to not fall too hard but she's a little irresistible. " -Alex

"Irresistible? Oh. Wow. She must be special. " - Bianca

"If she didn't have a man, I know she would be about it. " - Alex

"How does she feel about you?" - Bianca

"She tells me she wants me. She feels the same. I think there is a little guilt. She just seems confused. " - Alex

"How's the sex?" - Bianca

[side eye and they both laugh out loud]

"That good huh?" - Bianca

"I don't know if it's the forbidden aspect that makes it so good or we just kind of know what we like and do it well." - Alex

"I'm a little jealous. I want to get a taste of Miss Alex." - Bianca

[Bianca gives Alex a long stare]

"Alex, I don't want to see you hurt. This girl has one toe in and a whole leg out. " - Bianca

"Yeah, I know. Like I said, we have an arrangement and I - " Alex

"A loose arrangement and it sounds like she may have more of the rope than you. So just watch out baby girl. " - Bianca

"Oh shit girl, I love this song!" - Bianca

Bianca gets up, whips her head to flips her curls behind her shoulder and begins swaying and dipping her hips to the rhythm of the song. She pulls Alex's hands around her waist to feel her movement. Alex pulls her back, stands up, and meets her movement, pressing their bodies closer. Bianca grinds her ass into Alex's crotch while gripping her thighs.

"You're a nice dancer." - Alex whispers in Bianca's ear.

Bianca turns around and presses cheek to cheek with Alex. - "I can show you more moves than this in your bedroom." sliding her lips from Alex's ear across her cheek. She lightly kisses Alex's bottom lip.

The girls push up on each other, caressing each other while they grind to the beat. Alex caresses Bianca's cheek and just before she kisses her, Alex's phone dings and vibrates on the bar. Alex turns to see it light up with a text.

Bianca - "Really? ...all of this and you are so easily distracted...see where your mind is." Bianca shakes her head, kisses Alex's cheek and takes a seat.

Alex checks her phone.

Alex checks her phone

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