Meeting Up Again

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It had been a few days and no call but that doesn't mean Tara was thinking about Alex every waking moment.
"She's only a few floors down. I wonder if I'll run into her."
Remembering her mid-low voice, sort of raspy like her own. Her androgynous but feminine demeanor. Wondered if she was more dominant or submissive. She fantasized about having Alex's bare legs wrapped around her waist. Finally, a call around noon. They agreed to meet at a bar close to Tara's house after work. Tara could barely focus in her afternoon meeting, eager to put a few more touches to the memo and head out of there.
Walking to the bar, Tara was both excited and nervous. On her way out of the building, a flowery music playing candy dispenser caught her eye at one of the vendors. It made her think about Alex's smile and light-hearted ness.
"That would be such a cute desk decoration."
She snagged it and kept walking.
Through the restaurant window, she spotted Alex's high bun. Getting closer, seeing her gaping mouth, laughing and chatting with the bar tender.

Alex showed that same bright smile when Tara walked into the bar. They both embraced. They got comfortable at the bar and started their first round of drinks.

"I thought you'd never call"
"The phone works both ways"
"Oh kinda like you?"
"I haven't been with a man in 10 years"
"Do you plan on it again?"
"Not if I keep meeting pretty ladies like you."
"I saw this, and got it for you, well for your desk." - handing Alex the small desk figurine.
"It's the hair and smile. You're both so happy and delightful to look at."
"Wow, how cute is this. Look at you, thinking of me... I appreciate this girly, this will be my little reminder of you."

Tara felt Alex's knee press into her thigh as Alex turned to put the gift into her purse. Slyly, Alex dropped one hand and slid it up Tara's skirt just stopping before her panties.

Tara stopped running her finger around the rim of her glass and looked Alex straight in the eyes.

"To be honest, I want to get out of here and take you back to my place."
There was a long pause.
"I know you have a man. I can be discrete. I want you, Tara. You don't have to say anything, but if you're game, you'll follow me out of here."

They settled the bill. Alex touched Tara's hand before she got up and walked out the door. Tara looked pensive. She wanted Alex and had been desiring this for so long.

She grabbed her purse and followed her out the door.

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