The Festival

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Well she said meet her at Crescent station: I'm sure she'll turn up soon.
Minutes later, Tara heard a group of people, laughing and talking.
Tara recognized Alex, but she looked a little different...sexier.
Alex's black t-shirt hugged her body accentuating her round breasts and flat stomach. She had on a pair of ripped jeans, slightly faded that left enough room for her navel to show. A flannel jacket tied around her waist that matched her checkered vans. But it was her pretty face that did Tara in. Gorgeous smooth mocha skin, full glossy lips and beautiful dark brown almond shaped eyes. She looked slightly exotic wearing both a septum and nose piercing with silver blonde colored hair. Tara felt a wave of excitement rush through her chest and stomach, she smiled and waved.

"Hey, sorry we are a little late. Were you waiting long"
"No, not really at all."
That was a lie, 30 min is a while but Tara just wanted to keep it cool.
Alex introduced the 3 others, 2 girls and a guy, to Tara and they made their way to the festival.
The music blasted.
"I love this song"
Alex mouthed the words and threw her head side to side playing with one of Tara's curls.
"Your hair looks amazing." Alex said as she got closer to Tara's face wth smiling eyes.
"When we met, you had that bun in and I had no idea there was all this was tied up in there!"
Tara laughed.
"Thank you, well outside of work, when I'm more relaxed, the hair comes down. I'll do it more often. I like when you play in it like that."
The giggles became more flirtatious and the two ladies, boozy eyed, collapsed into each other and fell on the blanket laughing. Alex's friends were busy chatting away and every now again would join in conversation with Alex and Tara as they laid out and enjoyed the night sky against the rhythm and magic from the stage sounds.
Tara felt at ease. She felt Alex's hand reach out and grab hers. She squeezed too, passing back a stare to Alex to gauge the vibe. Alex bit her lip slightly looking back and forth between Tara's eyes and lips. Tara knew what Alex wanted and moved in closer. She propped herself up onto her elbow and Alex followed suit gently grabbing a curly tuft of Tara's kinky hair, pulling Tara's face to hers. Their lips pressed together and Alex slid her tongue into Tara's mouth massaging Taras tongue with her own. It sent tingles to Tara's clitoris. She hadn't been kissed like this in a long time and wanted more. Tara kissed back harder and with more passion, more tongue, playing with Alex's tongue and breaking the kiss after sucking on her bottom lip.
After the festival, they said their byes and each parted ways.
"I'll call you."
Alex said, squeezing Tara bye and then kissing her cheek.
Tara was smitten.
"You better. Now let me watch your cute ass walk away."
They both laughed.

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