3. Sorry?

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I slowly follow him out to a sleek black car, he carefully pops open the trunk, helping me to set my suitcase inside, before leading me to the passenger side and opening the door. "Thank you," I speak quietly, trying my best to be polite and not to anger the vampire beside me. He smiles gently, closing the door with a light slam and getting in the driver's seat.

The ride to wherever he was taking me had been long and silent, the light hum of the car heater and my own heart beat being the only sound in the vehicle. "How much are you paying her?" I ask quietly, he looks over at me, slight confusion on his face, before his eyes fill with realization and he turns his gaze quickly back to the road. "Almost forgot you were here cause of your mother and not by choice..." he trails off with a dark chuckle. "How much?" I ask, a little louder this time, "enough so she and your sisters can live comfortably." He says seriously. I hum and turn my gaze back to the window.

"Comfortably," so in other words, she's probably getting fucking rich from selling me to some vampire... wheres he get the money to support a whole family like that anyways?

A short time later, we pull up to a tall metal gate, in front of an even bigger house. I stare at the gate ahead of me and the large house beyond. Does he live alone? Are there others here? The ones from the cafe? We pull closer to the gate and it swings open, allowing us through and closing behind the car. We pull farther up the drive, closer to the house, before he parks the car beside a few others and gets out.

I start to climb out of the vehicle on my own, only to find him holding the door open for me before I even have time to move. I carefully step out of the car, looking down at my shoes and playing with the hem of my skirt. "C'mon," he says gently, grabbing my hand and leading me into the house.

Once inside, we're met by the short vampire from before, the one with his hair shaved and bleached blonde at the sides. "You're late," he states, Way nods "I'm aware, this took longer than intended." He states, looking me up and down as he releases my hand. "Send someone to retrieve her belongings from the car, and show her to her room, wouldya Frank?" He asks the other vampire. Frank? Frank? Really? He looks a whole lot more intimidating then a Frank, Frank sounds like a sweet old man. This is no sweet old man... he's a vampire, with a good bit of tattoos and weird hair-

My thoughts are cut off, as I'm lightly shoved, I turn to Way in shock, before following 'Frank' up the stairs. He leads me down a long hallway, decorated with beautiful red wallpaper and black accents, paintings and photos line the walls.

We finally reach a black door, that looks exactly like the rest and he opens it, ushering me inside. I slowly walk in, as he follows. He points to a door to the right "closet," he states, before turning to the left "bathroom," he pauses for a moment, turning his focus back to me, "shouldnt be to hard, I'll send Ray with your stuff, I gotta go help Gee and it's better than sending Mikey," he chuckles.

Okay, Gee is Gerard Way, the man who brought me here and was a mysterious asshole at the cafe. Frank is the short one with tattoos, weird hair and a lip piercing, was polite and smiled at me in the cafe. Ray and Mikey? Which ones are they? Were they at the cafe?

My thoughts are cut off by the door shutting lightly, leaving me alone in the large room. I gaze at the walls, the same beautiful dark red as the hallway with black trim. A large bed sits in the middle of the wall by the bathroom door, farther back in the room is a black stained glass door. I step over to it and slowly open it, being lead to a balcony. I take deep breath of the fresh air, looking down into the garden below. Looks like mostly roses...

I step back into my room, my gaze drifting over to a small desk by the door. A sketchbook, along with various art supplies fill the desk and I smile gently. A mostly empty shelf sits on the wall beside the bed, books line the top three shelves, leaving the bottom one empty. I hum lightly and move to the closet, I step in and flip on the light. Why did I expect a normal sized closet. The large walk in closet is lined with shelves and racks that seemed to be organized.

I walk around, admiring the nice shoes that partially line one wall, before moving on to a rack of what seems to be formal wear, a few dresses of different lengths, mostly red or black, fill about half of said rack. Along with a single black suit, minus jacket with a bright red tie on the opposite end of the rack. I hum and move to another shelf, filled with soft bedclothes, nothing to interesting here, just pajamas- my thoughts cut themselves off as my gaze drifts to the bottom shelf where a nicely folded bulk of lace and silk rest.

I swear to god, if that's what I think it is. I crouch down, cautiously picking it up, as my face flushes. Yep. What. The. Fuck. I drop it back onto the shelf and step out of the closet, being met with a tall vampire with a heap of curls atop his head, my suitcase at his side and back pack slung over one shoulder, as he looks around confused.

"Ah, there you are!" He smiles, a gentle kind smile. He holds his hand out for me to shake, "Ray Toro." He says softly as I take his hand, gripping it gently and shaking. "Y/N L/N," I respond quietly, as we release our hands. He smiles "nice to meet you, I'm really sorry you got stuck in this." He says quietly, pulling me into a hug. Sorry? A vampire? Sorry that I was sold to another vampire? I like this vampire. He's nice.

I smile and return the hug, he soon pulls away, and steps back toward the door "I'll leave you to get settled." And with that he leaves me to unpack my suitcase and backpack, filled with only as much of my stuff as they could hold.

I grab my backpack first, setting it on the bed and unzipping it, inside my CD player rests, along with my collection of CDs. I smile, pulling it out of my bag and setting it on the empty shelf, my CDs beside it. It was the last thing I recieved from my father, I was fourteen and had developed his taste in music, which my mother didn't appreciate at all...

I shove the empty back pack under the bed, before moving to the suitcase...


It wont be calm like this forever, so enjoy it!

Stay rad weirdos! <3

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