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"So you are seriously going on this trip?" Kai asks cautiously, knowing it isn't the most stress relieving conversation.

I sigh. "I guess so, I already told Bailey I was going and she was so excited I didn't have it in me to tell her otherwise. Growing up I was always the one to say no to things and I realize I probably should be nicer."

Bailey has always been the more outgoing of the two of us. Bailey and I can be polar opposites sometimes and our relatives say we each take after one of our parents. Bailey taking after my mom and me taking after my dad. We never pick favorites and all love each other but you can definitely tell who gets along with who better.

My mom is a lot like Bailey. Outgoing, energetic, and always the life of the party. Whereas my dad and I are a lot alike in that we are more easy going and bring in the calmness to the energetic storm that is my mother and Bailey.

I say it's a good balance. And it works for us.

Kai is sitting on his stomach laying on my bed, his hands propping his head as he watches me pack my bag.

It's only for the weekend so I'm not packing too much. It's surprisingly warm here in Oregon, so I bought a swimsuit just in case I'm dying of heat and need to swim. It's October which is an odd time for it to be warm.

Hanna is on FaceTime with us from my laptop because she is visiting her parents for the weekend.

"And Bailey said Roman would be there?" Hanna asks.

I groan, "According to her, yes." My hope is he doesn't. I was surprised he was even coming in the first place since he doesn't seem like to type to go on weekend lake trips with the boys. I laugh in my head because in reality, I don't technically know him at all. So who am I to know what he likes or dislikes?

"B!" I hear Bailey's voice yell. "The guys are here and we are leaving in ten minutes."

Kai gives me a sympathetic look. My body is a little tense at the phrase "the guys are here" but I promised myself I would feel it out. And stay as far away from them as possible, while accommodating to my sisterly duties and enjoying the time with my sister.

Kai jumps up from the bed. "I'll get out of your hair. Nathan and I are going out today." He seems giddy about that but doesn't fully show it. "Bye B! Bye Han Han!"

I laugh as I hear Hanna groan from my computer. "He knows I hate when he calls me that."

"Well we love you Han Han," I say. She rolls her eyes. "I'll see you when you get back."

She nods, smiling. "Have fun," she comments. "But also, good luck."

I nod in agreement. "Thanks, I might need it."

I shut the computer off and slip it in my duffel bag. I walk downstairs with my backpack strapped to my back and the duffel back on my shoulder.

Persila, Jasmine, Bailey, and the guys are huddled around the kitchen island. To my surprise, no Roman.

Bailey sees me at the stairs and rushes toward me. "Brooke, this is James and Lucas. And you know Keegan." She says.

They all wave to me and I awkwardly wave back. I can't believe I'm doing this.

I join them at the counter and they seem to be planning spots to sit on the lake. "James," Lucas groans in frustration. "The house it right on the fucking water. I'm not driving five minutes to some "better lakefront"." Lucas does air quotes to prove his point.

James rolls his eyes. "My parents have the best spot a few miles away. We have to go."

Persila pipes in. "Can't we just goooooo," she whines. "You two can fight another time."

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