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Hi! Sorry for the delay in posting. I was on two week vacation but now I'm back and I'll try to post more consistently to this story!

I wake up the next morning with a smile on my face. I'm warm, really warm. I feel the weight of Roman's arm draped over my stomach and quietly chuckle at the feeling.

I turn over to find Roman fast asleep. His head rests on the pillow beside mine and his face is the most content I've ever seen in. I've imagined this moment more times than I can remember and none have compared to the real deal.

I move my gaze across his face. His features are relaxed, his hair is all messed up from last night, and his full lips form a pout that makes me giggle. I decide to reach my hand up to his face and lightly push some hair off his forehead.

I regret my decision when I see his eyelids flutter. Roman slowly opens his hazel eyes and a smile grows on his handsome face. I return the smile and before either of us can speak, he plants a light kiss on my lips.

He releases my lips a moment later but doesn't move far, his warm breath caressing my face. "Good morning, love," he murmurs.

I kiss his lips again. "Good morning," I say back.

His hand wraps tighter around my waist and pulls me closer so our noses touch. Mind you, we are still naked so this is very... intimate.

I lift a hand and caress his nose and cheek. "How did you sleep?" I teasingly ask.

He chuckles. "Well, someone kept me up last night, but it was very enjoyable so I didn't mind," he says while also giving me a suggestive smile.

I grin. "Hey, no way me too," I say jokingly.

We both laugh together and Roman rests his forehead on mine, closing his eyes in contentment. "I didn't hurt you did I?" He asks, after opening his eyes.

I immediately shake my head. "No, don't worry. I knew it would sting a little so I was prepared," I flush thinking back on my memories from last night.

He frowns. "It'll get better," he promises and kisses my forehead.

I tuck my head under his chin and he also kisses the top of my head. "You know I love you right?" He asks. There's a little bit of worry in his voice.

I smile against his chest. "I know," I quickly look up at him, kissing his lips again. "I love you too," I say, smiling.

He seems so relaxed and happy that I wish he could be like this all the time. He seems to always be stressed or angry. It's nice to see him happy.

"The fight is today," I almost didn't want to mention it because of our calm state but I knew it was bound to come up.

He swallows. "I know," He bites out.

"You'll do great, I believe in you, Roman," I say to him.

He stays silent but I know he heard me because his grip on me tightened a bit, seeming like he thinks I'll disappear.


Roman and I stayed in bed most of the morning and afternoon, only getting up to grab food. We talked a little but we mostly just enjoyed being together. Being wrapped up with one another made me feel the most relaxed I'd been in awhile.

We eventually had to get up and get ready to leave for Roman's fight. Roman and I have to take separate cars because of security reasons and I'm a tad nervous having to leave his side. Chicago isn't the nicest area sometimes and being without Roman slightly terrifies me.

Even though I can tell Roman is against it too, he tries to reassure me, and himself, that it should be okay for the time being.

I'll be riding with Drew and Natasha, which makes me feel better giving that I know them well enough by now.

Once Roman and I reach the lobby of the hotel, it's time to say goodbye until after the fight.

Roman grabs me by the waist and pulls me to him. When I look up at him, I see the tension return to his face, the calmness from this morning fulled faded away.

"You need to stay with Natasha and Drew, okay?" he says, but it's more of a command.

I nod. "I promise," I say, gazing into his eyes. My hands tremble with nerves for him when I reach up to kiss him. "Please be careful," My turn for commands.

He gives me a sad smile. "I'll do my best," he says, but I'm not even sure he believes it himself. "Love you," he says and gives me a quick forehead kiss before having to rush away.

I didn't even get to say 'I love you' back before he disappears so I whisper it to myself and hope this all goes well.

I feel someone stand next to me and I turn to see Natasha and Drew standing next to me. "You ready?" Natasha asks me kindly.

I give her the best smile through my nerves. Nodding I say, "Yes,"

She rubs my back in comfort. "He'll be alright, Roman is one of the best. Even if he loses, he'll be okay."

I see Drew nod. "She's right, Brooke. Roman will be just fine."

Hearing Drew say that makes me feel a tad better. He's seen Roman fight more times than I have so his reassurance is appreciated.

Walking out of the hotel we enter the car that is waiting outside for us. I turn to Natasha and Drew when something occurs to me.

"Is this another secret type event?" I asks, curiously.

Drew nods his head side to side. "Kind of. It's less underground than the ones at home but it's not fully public like UFC fighting or WWE."

I nod, understanding.

"Julien likes it to be on edge," Drew adds, rolling his eyes. "Claims it gets him more money and gets him connections in the underground."

That makes my stomach churn a bit. "So basically illegal business."

Him and Natasha nod. "Let's just say Julien is not the guy to trust your life with," Natasha comments.

I gulp, not liking what Natasha just said. "How did you guys get roped in?" I'm curious about Roman too and how he got stuck in this, but I will save that for later.

Drew sighs. "My father fought for Julien, back in the day, I grew up around all this shit," He says, seeming disappointed in himself.  "I was going to leave and part ways with the whole thing, but then I was assigned to Roman, and I couldn't leave him to those vultures all alone."

It warms my heart when he says that. Roman always seems like he's so alone in life. But he never is and never will. Drew is a perfect example of that.

"That's really kind of you, Drew," I say to him.

Natasha smiles. "It's the only reason I'm okay with him continuing. Once we get Roman out, it's over."

I open my mouth to ask when that will happen but the car stops and I look out the window to see that we've arrived.

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