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I'm currently standing in the middle of a council meeting while they urgently discuss what to do with me.

After my little accident at the party I had had a panic attack and finally managed to put the dead bodies back in the ground, where they belonged.

"We should send her away, she's going to draw attention to us" someone shouts

"Unwanted attention" someone else adds

I bite my lip until it starts bleeding and freeze when I hear another suggestion "We should kill her!

I feel a wave of rage coarse through me and I step forward, drawing the attention of all the council's beady eyes.

"So your just going to kill me because I'm too powerful for you? Is that it?" I address the elderly man who had spoken and he turns bright red.

"Well you have left us no choice-"

"Excuse me, I came here to train how to control my powers so i could save my home. People already want me dead and I don't think I asked your opinions on this matter" my eyes scan the room, making eye contact with everyone "I don't want to be killed by some elderly folks who will just kill a decent person just because it got too hard, now if you'll excuse me, I've got a class to go to".

I stride confidently out the room, making eye contact with Avery who had amusement twinkling in her eyes. When she saw me looking at her she winks almost unnoticably, making me crack a tiny smile and I waltz out that room and to my next class.

When I walk into the class room Cat only pauses a second before slightly nodding at me and turning back to carry on with her lesson.

A few whispers fill the air and Cat snaps her fingers at them to get them to listen. They turn back to her and continue to listen, though they kept a wary eye on me.

Great, now I'm known as the 'powerful freak'. What would they do it I just summon a dead werewolf right now. I giggle at the thought and quickly slap my lips together when I got dirty looks from people.

When I walk past every one to my friends everyone except Blake, Diana and Carly take a silent step back. At that moment, I felt powerful, but also annoyed, I mean, I always had that power and as soon as they know I've got it they're like 'ok, now we'll be scared of you'. When I just through the crowd I'm greeted by three grinning faces. Without being able to help myself, I grin back and go to hug them.

When we break away Fraser cocks an eyebrow and playfully says "well... looks like your the most powerful being on the planet" referring to my powers.

"Yeah, your eyes went super red! I thought you were Wanda!!!!! Ellie whisper shouts and Cass chuckles "but if she was that'd be wicked! Though she's even more powerful than her".

I shake my head and chuckle but before I'm able to say anything back Cat clears her throat.

I turn around "Can you guys please pat attention, you may talk as soon as I've finish the introduction but now, I require silence" she smiles a knowing smile at me and goes back to explain our task.

"Ugh It's impossible!!!! Cass shouts frustratingly and Ellie nods in agreement.

"How do you do it Casey!? Fraser whines.

We were currently assigned the task to try and control a wolf cub each group, it was to learn how to control our powers and conserve it for when it was really needed.

I tilt my head to the side and watch as the adorable cub copies my action, doing as I instructed it to.

Cat walks over to us and claps her hands "well done Casey! You've officially learned how to control wolves! Look class, Casey can you please show them what you have learned?

I nod nervously and beckon the tiny pup over to me. I crouch down and whisper something inaudible into it's ear and step back to watch it perform my command.

Others also step back nervously, as if I had asked the tiny thing to knaw on a kitten alive. I watch as the cub crouches down playfully and wiggle it's rear before springing at Blake, drawing screams from half the class.

I watch as Blake's face changes to shock and he trips over, falling in his back.

The cub lets out a victorious roar and jumps on Blake's stomach and starts slobbering on his face.

We hear Blake splitter with laughter and I look around at some of the students who thought that the baby wolf was eating him alive.

I shake my head and sigh at their stupidness.

Ellie and Cass burst out laughing when I call the pup back to me and Blake gets back up, face glistening with slobber. He makes a disgusted face and says "ew".

Cat, unable to control her giggles points to the doors, giving him permission to tidy himself off.

He nods a thanks and turns to shoot me a playful glare before walking out the courtyard doors.

"Was it something I said? I ask looking around innocently and the whole class, including the teacher, bursts out into fits of hysterical giggles.

Once we got over it the teacher orders us back to practicing and I proceed to help Cass and Ellie on a pointless task to control the tiny pup, who was clinging to my leggings clad leg playfully whilst nipping it lightly, making me giggle at his adorably face.


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