we're off to Isengard

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Percy stands up. "What kind of complications? Is Leo okay? Where is he?"

"Leo is currently in the custody of two mercenaries." Jarvis states. "They have not hurt him too terribly, all they did was knock him out, but I suggest getting there quickly. He is in Florida, near Orlando. From the cameras I have tracking them, they seem to be heading to Lakeland."

Tony looks slightly confused. "Why Lakeland?"

Natasha's eyes widen as she remembers something. "Clint and I had a mission in Lakeland, a well known mafia boss lived there. Our mission was to capture him, which we did. The other agents were supposed to round up all the other members, but there was a large explosion. The building, with everyone in it, exploded. There were no survivors."

Percy gets a strange expression on his face. "The mafia? Which branch?"

"The Genovese family. We were after Gigante, the leader of the family. He died in prison in 2005, about two months after we captured him. Since then the family has been in limbo, though they are still one of the most powerful mafia families in the U.S."

"Gigante? I've heard about Gigante. I met his son." 

Tony's eyes widen. "Percy! I don't know whether to say good job or be appalled!"

Percy shrugs, "I have connections with the mafia from the amount of times I've been on the run. Plus, I joined the mafia a while back to stay hidden from some people."

At Natasha's interested look Percy explains further, "We were on a quest… or as you guys say, a mission. Can't say much about it or you'd figure it out, but my friends Jason and Grover were on the… mission with me. We had to pretend to be delinquents. Grover and I were in our element. I impressed quite a few people apparently." Percy smirks. "Jason could not get in character for the life of him. He's too much like Steve."  

Tony smirks, proud of his nephew and then he holds his hands up in a time out gesture. "But does your mother know about this?"

Percy stares at Tony. "She does not, and I would prefer to keep it that way." 

Tony raises his hands in surrender. "I'm not gonna tell her." He smirks. "J?"

Jarvis' dry voice comes from the ceiling. "Already done, sir."

Percy stands up. "Already done what? You didn't tell her, did you?"

"Hold your horses dear nephew. All I did was add it to my blackmail folder."

Percy sits back down, unsure how to feel about that. He folds his hands in front of him. "Let me go in. I can go undercover and find out what they want with Leo."

Clint shifts in his chair. "They'll probably want to sell him to the highest bidder if they know he has powers. Florida is a hot spot for that kind of thing."

"We could send Coulson's team in. Daisy has been getting better and better." Natasha states. 

Percy shakes his head. "Like I said, I have connections. I can get in and out without fuss. If you send a shield team in, then a lot of people are going to wonder what's so special about Leo. I don't want him to be on people's watch lists." 

Natasha and Clint study him for a few moments, going over what he said. Natasha nods. "You have a logical argument. Clint and I agree. You can go."

"Wait, wait, wait." Tony holds his hands up. "He's my nephew, I think I get a say in this."

Percy rolls his eyes. "I'm my own keeper. I'm perfectly capable of caring for myself. I'm going."

Tony's gaze flits over Percy. He sighs. "Fine. But let me give you a few things just in case something goes wrong."

"Sound stood to me. But just so you know, where I'm planning on going they don't allow anyone to have weapons inside except the guards." Percy's face twists with disgust. "This is like an auction, except what you're buying is people." 

Steve shifts in his seat, cleary uncomfortable with both Percy going in alone and the idea of buying people. He crosses his arms. "I still don't like the idea of you going in alone."

Natasha raises an eyebrow. "Who said he was going in alone?"

"I did." Percy states. 

"Percy, I can pretend to be your girlfriend or something."

"Nat, my life isn't exactly a big secret. Like I said, I'm kind of like a celebrity among the mafia. They know I only have one girlfriend, and they know what she looks like. They also know what happened in the last war. Word gets around."

Natasha studies Percy for a few moments. "So there's no way anyone can go in with you?"

"Well... I have some people I could call. They're bodyguards, and real good ones at that. I trust them with my life." Percy hesitates,  "They most likely won't be able to come inside though, they usually don't let bodyguards come inside an auction." Percy shrugs. "But I'll be fine. This is Florida, there's water everywhere. If it makes you guys more comfortable, you can bug me or something and listen in to make sure I'm okay."

Tony bites his lip. "Fine. But if you die I'm going to find Hades, yell at him until he gives you back, and then kill you myself."

Percy coughs to cover up his laughter, he knows Tony is being completely serious. "I can take care of myself." 

Tony crosses his arms and leans back in his chair. "And then I'll bring you back to life for your mother to scold."

Percy glares at Tony. "I'll be fine, just don't bring mom into this."

"I won't. Just as long as you come back in one piece."

Percy thinks for a while. "Now that you worry warts have been satisfied, where the heck am I gonna find a suit?"

Tony grins. "Dear nephew, I have a whole room filled with suits."

Percy grins back and repeats what he said a couple days ago when Tony was talking about washer machines, "I forgot you were rich."

Tony stands up, pushing his chair back. "Follow me."

Steve raises an eyebrow at Tony's chair that is currently sitting in the middle of the floor instead of being pushed against the table. "Tony, can you push your chair in?"


Steve gives Tony a look. "So people don't trip?"

"But that takes the fun out if it." Tony sighs.

Steve gives Tony a dissapointed look. 

Percy and Clint watch Steve and Tony like it's a movie.

Percy grins, "I'd watch this over tv any day."

Natasha nods, videoing the scene going on for her vine account. "You got that right."  

Tony shrugs, completely unbothered. "If it worries you that much, Rogers, than you push the chair in."

Bruce sighs. A long suffering sigh full of misery and woe. "I don't care what anyone says, you are all children. Except Nat. And Steve is more like… a teenage child." He pushes the chair in.

Tony claps his hands together. "There! Problem solved." He looks over at Percy. "Now, on to find a suit!"

Percy follows Tony, muttering something like, "We're off, we're off to Isengard."


I'mma just update a couple chapters at once, seeing as I'll be gone for a while.
We're starting to get ready for the wedding already. (In fact I went and got a haircut today! It's just above my shoulders, and my hair is so l i g h t.)

How did your day go?

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