the fake doctor, the fake name, and the fake family

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Percy blinks at the strange man. "Doctor... what? Doctor who?"

The doctor straightens his bow tie and grins, though his eyes are still full of rage at the state of Percy's body. "Oh I love it when they say that."

"Your name can't be doctor. That's an occupation, not a name."

The doctor gets a strange expression on his face, one that tells Percy he's had far too many people say the exact same thing, and that he's tired of it.

Percy rolls his eyes, deciding to just drop the subject. He doesn't want to make the dude that's rescuing him mad at him. He grips riptide, which is in pen form, and looks over the man.

His lip twitches at the man's fashion sense. He shakes his head, deciding to just accept the weird clothing. He claps his hands together. "Right, what weapons do you have?"

The man-or Doctor as he wants to be called-looks aghast at the very mention of him owning a weapon.

"Me? Have weapons? No!"

Percy silently looks up at the ceiling. Oh, Ares, what have I done to deserve this? He groans and turns towards the Doctor. "So let me get this straight. You broke into a high tech facility, with hundreds of guards, chasing after... what were you looking for gain?"

"This group of... alien... monster... things." The doctor looks off awkwardly to the side, waving his hands about as he explains. "They're called the silence. I tracked them here, but then the signals went all awry and the tar- my uh, way in, lande- erm, dropped me here."

Percy gives the man an odd look. "Right. So, you were planning on defeating these... silence alien things... how?"

"Well, actually, to be frank," the Doctor makes a strange noise, half between a laugh and a snort, "not that my name is Frank, of course. Although, wouldn't that be fantastic? Just think, all the jokes I could make! The puns!"

Percy clasps his hands together and looks back up at the ceiling. "Dear Jesus, when I said send anyone, this is not what I meant. Please take him back-" Percy ignores the insulted sound of protests from behind him, "and send someone else. Preferably someone smart-"

"Oi! I take offence to that! I am very smart!"

"And someone that has enough common sense to know not to break into an enemy base/facility/thing without having any weapons!"

The Doctor pats Percy's shoulder. "No, no, it's okay! I've done this hundreds of times! And besides, we'll have the moral high ground!"

Percy sinks to the ground, his hands covering his face. "Oh, Lord Jesus, Artemis, really, anyone out there with common sense, please help."

The Doctor can't tell wether Percy is being sarcastic or not, so he just stands there awkwardly.

He hesitates and then pats Percy on the shoulder. "No, really, Percy." He says softly, "It will be alright."

Percy lets out a strangled laugh, looking lost.

"I'll save you, I promise." The doctor's eyes gleam in determination. "And I never make promises I can't keep. So trust me when I promise that you will leave this bloody building alive."

A gunshot sounds through the air and Percy flinches. The doctor ducks, and then realizes the sound-even though it was very loud-is still fairly far away from them.

The doctor offers Percy his hand to help him up, a slightly more urgent motion this time, now that they know there's people after them. "Come on, Perce. We can do this. You and me, against a hydra base. Easy, right?"

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