i believe in love stories as i do in murder diaries

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i believe in love stories as i do in murder diaries. we say; "the innocent did not deserve to die."

Natasha runs out of the elevator leading to the roof of the building, the gun on her side in its holster but the safety off. She opens her mouth to greet Thor before pausing, noticing the condition he's in.

"Thor." She says, a hint of confusion in her voice. "What happened?"

"My mother told me of what befell Loki once he was returned to Asgard."

Natasha clicks the safety of her gun back on, looking over the motionless figure in Thor's arms. "I take it that it was nothing good?"

"It did not bode well, no."

Seeing Thor's unwillingness to give a response, she motions to the person in his arms. Most likely Loki, given Jarvis is rarely wrong and presumably something bad happened on Asgard. "What's up with him?"

"I fear we must call in the mortal wizard, Dr Strange."

"That doesn't answer my question."

"I do not feel in the right state of mind to discuss this at the moment, friend Natasha." Thor's eyes glow with barely controlled rage, and if the weather is anything to go by, he is certainly not over exaggerating anything.

Natasha accepts his statement with a slight nod. She then notes that Loki hasn't moved at all during this exchange, and nods her head towards the stairs. "Let's take him to the infirmary."

Thor nods.

They move at a fast pace to the infirmary. Once there, Thor carefully lays Loki down on one of the beds and takes his blanket off.

Natasha makes a small sound, and Thor looks over his shoulder.

"What is it?"

"Thor, just what did Od-"

Thor leaps towards her and tries to cover her mouth, but she quickly steps aside, brushing his arm away.

"Do not say his name." For the first time in her life, Natasha sees a flash of fear come across Thor's face. "He will be able to tell where we are."

Natasha looks from Thor to Loki. "Did he do this to you two?"

"I," Thor pauses, looking both angry and sad. "I don't know. I escaped before he could see us, but Loki was alone for months in his confinement. I do not know what went on, but based on what Mawa was saying, it was not good. ...Why?"

"Those aren't ordinary scuffle wounds, Thor. Those are torture wounds."

For a moment, Thor was silent. And then a peal of thunder rippled through the room, loud enough to shake the tower.

Natasha could feel some sort of friction in the air, and small bolts of lighting arced across Thor's skin.

The lights in the room began flickering and several of the computers in the room shut off.

Thor drops his hammer, trying to distance himself from anything that would make him more powerful.

"I must go." He says through gritted teeth. "If I stay in this room, I will do more harm then good. Alert me if anything happens."

He marches out of the room like a solder, and Natasha can feel the thud of his footsteps all the way down the first flight of stairs. She can guess that he went to the training room to let off some steam. Otherwise, a few criminals were about to be done for.

Natasha grimaces, and a few of the doctors that had been standing a good distance away due to Thor's anger slowly come forward.

Natasha leans against a nearby wall. "You can examine him," she says stiffly. "I doubt he's going to wake up for a while."

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