it's okay he chicken nuggeted the tower!

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Nico Di'Angelo likes to consider himself a simple person.

He likes food, especially happy meals. (Although he must admit to the extreme 'like' of happy meals to be a running joke with himself. He finds the expression on peoples faces hilarious when he tells them that happy meals are his favorite. Him, an admittedly sort of emo dude that everyone finds intimidating).

He also likes sleep.

Really, he's very simple. As long as he has food, sleep and the people he deems acceptable to speak with, he's fine.

He's like a cat. Just very large. And dangerous.

He thought this was going to be an average day. Newbies screaming, maybe a food fight or two, yelling because the Ares cabin kidnapped (or borrowed without intent to return, in the words of the Ares cabin) someone from the aphrodite cabin to help with fashion sense again.

He really wasn't expecting another call from his (loveable) idiot cousin.

He picks up his 'apparently free of monster radio smell' as Leo dubbed it, (stupid Leo with his stupid ideas and horrible sense of humor and his dumb smiles and puns and... hades, he misses him. He has to choke back a sob before he answers because it smells like chicken nuggets. Hades. His phone smells like chicken nuggets and it just makes him miss him more).

"Hey seaw-" he stops because know he's missing her too, dang it. "Percy. What is it?"

"Hello? Is this the summer camp Percy Jackson attends?"

Nico frowns. "Who is this? How do you have Percy's phone?"

"Oh no," the voice sounds soft, obviously male, "This isn't his phone, this is..." the voice stops and Nico offhandedly realizes whoevers speaking has a British accent, "Never mind. I'm Jarvis, I was told to call this camp concerning Percy Jackson."

"I'm his cousin. Not the camp representative. Does that idiot still have my number as the..." he trails off, muttering something about 'not again' and 'not after the bat incident' and 'i told him i was gonna kill him if he didn't-'.

Jarvis clears his throat. Or rather, he makes a sound very similar to clearing his throat. Unfortunately, he has no throat.

There is a sharp intake of breath from the other line. "Right. Yeah. How's Percy? If he recommended me to you so I could take care of the trip, no. Call Chiron. His number is-"

"Nico. Percy needs your camps help."

"What? Why? What's the matter? What did he do? What does he need? Backup? Apollo? What's going on? Who even are you?"

"He is in need of medical attention. As I said, I am Jarvis. His uncle had me contact you. Percy let it slip that your camp has in-humans in it. We heard that there are some people who can heal?"

A loud clattering sound can be heard. Muffled cursing, then footsteps. The phone is picked up again. "Right. So. He's alive? What kind of medical attention?"

"He is quite injured. He got himself captured by-"

"That idiot!"

"A group called hydra."


Jarvis, in all his patience, elects to disregard to interruptions. "It would be best if you would hurry."

Background noises can now be heard. Jarvis can hear heavy footsteps. Then, he hears a door swing open.


If Jarvis had eardrums, he's quite sure he would be wincing.


"What's wrong? What medical supplies do I-"

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