choices Chapter 9

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I honestly hope you guys like this chapter!!!

sorry for any mistakes !!!! 

“He is going to love it!” Anne gushes as I look in the mirror. Little did she know we aren’t even going to be in the same room as each other? I tried my best to smile and nod agreeing with her. Today was the day; it’s been 6 years. It was suppose to different. I should be happy and dancing around, planning a perfect night. But instead I’m going to be locked in a room while Harry is out of the house enjoying the night without me. I walk back into the dressing room putting my own clothes back on. I carefully pick up the dress and walk to the counter. The lady smiles at me then stares at me.

“You are Mrs. Styles!” she says covering her mouth. I smile back her nodding. Anne giggles beside me. I pay for the dress I will end up asking Vic to return for me. I say my thank you.

“Okay love, I will help you make dinner!” she says rushing to the kitchen.

“Robin told me he took Harry out for a bit, so we have bout an hour!” she yells. I nod walking up our room. I place the dress inside the closet. I am honestly to exhaust not physically but emotionally.  What the hell was I going to do?

2 hours pass.


“Well that was a fail,” I laugh at Anne who has smoke on her face. She laughs with me as I drive around to find a parking space. We tried to cook something but end up burning it. She suggested buying Pizza and call it a chill night. I had no problem with that.

“The good thing is they are just arriving so,” Anne says.  After 20 minutes we get the pizza we hop in the car and I drive off. It’s been awhile since I driven Harry’s car. I park outside the house noticing Robin by their car. He smiles waving as he helps me carry the pizza boxes inside. I say thank you and Anne quietly makes her way into the house.

“Bring up a box,” she tells me, robin sets down the boxes and only hands me one.

“I’ll go tell him I got a surprise for him wait here!” she says, I nod with smile on my face. I grip the white box in front of me. I hear her open the door, and then suddenly her screams. Robin and I look at each other with concern. We quickly make our way up to the room. I run into the room. My jaw drops and my eyes widen, my heart to beat faster. Anne is angry she shakes her head pacing around the room. I felt like everything was going in slow mo. Harry and Cindy in the sheets. She is blushing trying to cover up. Harry is stumbling out of bed.

“Mom” Harry says.

“HARRY HOW COULD YOU!” Anne yells. I just stare at them not moving barely breathing.

“Melody, sweeties are you okay?” I can’t look away Harry and I lock eyes. I start to see blurry. My chest starts to move up and down.

“Melody” Anne tries to sooth me. I shake my head throwing down the box and running away. I was honestly hurt. I never felt this much pain. Out of all the days in the year he had to choose this one to sleep with her! And in OUR room.

I hear my name being shouted but I don’t care, I walk towards an empty room and slam the door behind me.

“Melody!” I hear Harry.

“Please just leave!” I cry out pacing around the room.

“Please” I repeat over and over.

“Please talk to me Melody.” I see the door handle move, I turn my back away from the door.

“Melody.” His voice, the voice that uses to make me happy, made feel sexy, free, loved and cared for. Now I don’t want to listen to it. I want him to go away.

“Leave” I close my eyes tight.

“Please lets talk! Why are you reacting like this! I thought everything between us was fine now!  ”

“HARRY LEAVE” I turn around yelling. He is closer than I thought. I pound on his chest pushing him away.

“Please just leave,” I cry feeling weaker.

“No Melody.” He holds my wrist.

“Just leave me,” I say, my legs give out making me fall on my knees. I feel Harry trying to keep me up. He hugs me tight to his body.

I don’t know how long I have been his arm. His skin is wet from tears. I try to slowly pull away he helps me stand.

“Melody. I never wanted to hurt you.”

“Ya well you have been saying that but you always end up doing it Harry.” He frowns. He opens his mouth slightly but we hear a knock on the door. Anne peeps her head in.

“I want to talk to the both of you,” she says in a serious tone.
“Harry I thought I raised you better than that. I thought I taught to respect the women you are with. You made commitment with Melody and you throw it all way for a moment of pleasure. I am beyond disappointed” I see the hurt in Harry’s eyes are she says that. I couldn’t stand the look on his face.

“Anne,” I stand in between them.

“I am so sorry, I am so so sorry we kept this from you.” she looks confused,

“Harry asked for divorce a couple months ago, we didn’t want anyone to know. We wanted to keep it on the low. We should have told you.” she covers her mouth in shock.

“So you just pretended to be hurt!” she half yells. I shake my head no

“I was truly hurt today, I’ve been hurting for months now.” I laugh bitterly.

“Out of all the days Harry had to pick this one to sleep with Her.” I shake my head.

“He promised me he wouldn’t do anything until the divorce was finally since we are still technically married and it hurt.” Anne looked hurt and shocked as well, I felt bad about it. Harry stayed silent through it all he hung his head low.  She took a deep sigh.

“That doesn’t change my disappointment in Harry and now you” she says looking between us. I nod understanding. Again it was silent none of us knew what to say next. There was so much tension in the room I couldn’t breathe anymore.

“I’m going to go pack” I finally say leaving the room.

Harry POV

I finally look up, I see her what out the door with her hands crossed over her chest, she takes a glance back and I see the make up on her cheeks, her eyes red. I was mad at myself I had to make her stop looking this. This was my fault and I knew that. She nods meeting my eyes walking back to our room. I look towards my mother who is leaning against the wall with her fingernails in her mouth.


“How can you just let someone that precious walk out of your life? And for you to suggest it?” she scoffs shaking her head,

“Harry” she says coming to stand in front of me. She took my hands in hers.

“Go after her.”  I gulp.

“Tell her not to leave, tell her to stay” I bite my lip. She pushes me out the door. My feet start to walk towards our room.

“Harry” a voice stops as I reach for the door handle. I look up to see Cindy at the end of the staircase. I look at her then the door.  

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