Chapter 4 i love u

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May I get feed back? its important for me to know what you like and what you don't so I can get better (:

I fixed my curls and stood side ways, I touched my stomach soon I would have to start wearing big close so the bump wouldn't show. I smile at the thought of having my own child.
"Are you ready in there?" I hear Harry ask, I rolled my eyes he always hurried me up.
"Ya" I call out fixing my white dress, I sighed in content with the way I looked. I grabbed my handbag and opened the door. Harry and Liam stood there leaning looking serious at each other. I cleared my throat and both eyes landed on me. Liam smiled at me; Harry just stood there his eyes roaming my body.
"What is it? Do I look bad? Do I look fat?' I ask turning to the side, Liam chuckles and Harry shakes his head.
"You look beautiful" he breaths out, I blush tucking my hair behind the ear.
"Thanks can we go now?' I ask they both nod following me down stairs. The rest of the boys and Sophia were waiting outside. I opened the door and Niall grabbed me pulling me in for a tight hug.
"Niall!" I laughed hugging him back.
"I missed you" he says
"I missed you too love" I try to pull away but he doesn't let me.
"Nope not letting you go until we arrive at the event" he says in a serious note. I laugh
"Come on we have to go!" Harry says harshly.
"Ey Mate, don't be snappy with me this was all yours but you screwed it up don't be mad at me!" Niall says taking my hand, my mouth hangs open I look around to see everyone as shocked. I gulp
"Lets not fight okay" I say Harry looks away getting into the limo, I sigh following him next, Sophia got in then the boys, harry was the one that wasn't seated next to them. he looked out the window of the car with a straight face.
the car ride was not awkward at all there was music playing, laughter filled the air and I smiled at how childish the boys were, they aren't acting their age but I loved that about them.
"how do you do it?" Sophia asked, I looked at her confused.
"the media, how are you so calm right now? I'm shaking I don't like the spot light." She says showing me her shaking hand. I smiled at her.
"Trust me, I don't like it either I try and hide my face but-" I stop mid sentence knowing harry could hear us. I lean in to whisper at her.
"harry would never let me he just holds my hand and rubs small circles and it makes me feel a tiny bit better" I lean back again to see her face, she is smiling and nods.
I look out the window and saw the entrance to the event. I sighed at they turned down the music. The door opened and heard screaming fans. Paul pops his head in the car.
"Niall, Liam and Sophia, Louis, Zayn and then Harry and Mel" he gave us the order I sigh taking a deep breath.
"You'll be alright love" Liam laughed. I nodded as I watched them get out, before I could move Harry got out before me, he waited by the door and held his hand out. He smiled at me, I smiled back taking his hand he helps me out. We catch up the boys and the flashes blinds my eyes. I follow harry my hand still in his. he tells me when to stop to pose in the pictures. I hear my name being yelled with Harry's. I subconsciously move closer to harry, he wraps his arm around my waist and smiles at the camera. We walk next to the boys and keep stopping for pictures at the end of the carpet I smile at the camera and feel soft warm lips on my temple. I close my eyes as I feel Harry kiss me like he use to when I got nervous. We move to the side letting the rest of the boys take their picture. I look up at him, his eyes already on me mine flickered onto his lips.
"I remember the first time you were out with me public" he says.
"I don't" I say, he laughs as I notice I flipped my hair off my shoulder. I mentally slap my self in the face.
"Melody I know how nervous you are" he leans in
"Styles!" I hear his name
"harry they are calling you" I say, he rests his forehead on mine, I was confused I give him a 'what are you doing look' he tilts his head back meeting my lips. My heart skipped a beat I haven't had his lips on mine in a month, his hands rested on my waist pulling me in . I wrapped my arms around his neck feeling him tense up then relax. It felt nice to have small gesture coming from harry.
"Sorry Melody, Modest was bothering me about this" he whispers pull away. He smirks walking past me, I gulp feeling my heart skin I look towards Sophia who looks worried I bite my lip looking back the boys. They were talking to an interviewer.
"Hey are you okay?" Sophia asked, I shook my head truthfully.

Harry POV

From the corner of my eye I see Melody with a frown on her face. Sophia was talking to her but Melody was out of it. I knew I shouldn't have kissed her but I couldn't help it. then I had to lie and say modest wanted me to kiss her. the look on her face made want to punch myself.
'harry" I heard my name I look over at the boys who looked worried.
"Sorry" I smile
"I see your wife is joining you today," I nod
"Now how well does she get along with all of you boys?" she asked Liam and Niall's face brighten up.
"Well" Liam laughed
"We all love her, but Liam and Niall seem to be a tiny bit closer other than harry of course" Louis says. I smile
"We saw that kiss you gave her" The boys look at me with shock
"Ha ya, she gets a little nervous on the red carpet so I wanted to relax her" I shrug.
As the interviews went on we finally made it into the building. Melody walked silently beside me, her hand in mine and she would lean in once in awhile but then realize what she was doing and lean away. I stare at her as her eyes roam the room looking at the other celebs, she met my eyes and her smile faded a little.
"Harry" she says shifting her seat. How do I say I wanted to kiss my future ex wife?
"I'm hungry" Louis whined
"Me too!" melody says
"Do you think they have chocolate around here? Ice cream? Maybe skittles? Oh wait no M&Ms ! no! wait !" she kept naming candy brands and junk food. I looked at her confused.
"Woah lets just buy you a store." Louis laughed, she blushed hiding her face on my shoulder. I smiled down at her laughing.
"I could get a Hershey bar" I take my phone out to ask Paul where I could get one, as I wait for Paul to respond I make small chat with other big celebs. As the show went on and more and more performances went on I was nervous about our award. I knew the fans would come through but I was always nervous. The Boys clapped their hands as the announced a winner.
"Your award is coming up" Melody whispers, I look at her excited face.
"And the winner is!" there was a pause.
"ONE DIRECTION" the crowed went wild, the boys shit up and cheered we did out group hug. I turn around to give a hug to Melody, she is clapping her hands and I open them for a hug, her arms wrap around me
"So proud of you boys!" she whispers in my ear, I smile pulling away I walk with the boys on stage. We accept our award Liam speaking for all of us. We walk back stage cheering. I see Sophia and Melody back stage, in her hand was the chocolate.
"Hey you got it" I laugh at her, she wipes her mouth from the chocolate and smiles
"Ya I was craving for it" she laughs. We take our seats and wait for the show to end, as it ends we are asked to go give a small speech thanking about winning and to answer some questions. Liam and Zayn were both tipsy and Louis was whispering stuff in Niall's ear, I laughed at the idiots
"Any after parties?" they asked,
"harry? Your known to go without your wife" one says, I clear my throat.
"Ha, Ya well I don't know about the boys but I am not attending one tonight uh I want to go home and relax' I say,
"Uh ya Sophia and I will probably just lay low for a bit"
"And we are third wheeling with these to lads" Louis says patting Liam and My back. I glance at Melody who is leaning on Sophia she looks like she's asleep.

The car ride was calmer then before Liam had opened a wine bottle and passed out glasses. I handed one to Melody she looked nervous.

"Uh I cant" she said setting down the glass, Liam looked up and smiled
"Why not? You love wine?" I ask she scratches her head.
"uh well" she bites her lip. I knew what that meant she was about to lie.
"I made a bet with her" Sophia says, we look at her
"Uh I bet her she wouldn't last a month without drinking wine." She smiles sipping her cup.
"Alright then." I say,
the rest of the car ride was just small talk, I felt something lean on me, I knew it was melody I look down at her, her eyes are closed and her mouth is slightly opened.
"What time is it?" the car stopped and Liam checked his phone
"She's already passed out?" I laugh the boys get out one by one, but Liam comes back seeing me struggle on getting out Melody without waking her.
"Put her on your lap then slide over and hand her to me" he says, I think about it but I don't want him to carry her. I want to, I wrap my arm around her shoulders then legs, I lift her up on my legs and slide over and see Liam waiting with his hands stretched out. I shake my head slowly stepping out making sure I don't hit her head.
"I got it" I say, Liam sighs moving out of the way. I finally get out and walk to the house, Cindy was at the door waiting for me. I sigh walking to the door her face falls when she sees whos in my arms.
"Not now Cindy" I say walking past her. I hear her huff, I walk up the stairs to the room we use to share. I open the door and set her down on the bed, she grumbles in her sleep and grabs the closest thing and holds it. I smiled covering with a blanket.
"Mm" she says as I walk out I hear a faint sound.
"I love you, " she whispers.

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