Chapter 3

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CHAPTER 3: Celeste

Once changed into her usual stretchable jeans and a semi formal shirt with a long over coat to shield her from the harsh winds that blow in this region even in the early hours of the morning, Celeste finds herself calling her brother with her head held in her hand, as the buzzing in her starts bothering her again.

She expected a lot from this visit here, but what she didn't expect was to find the King of Werewolves here the first thing in the morning. She knew she couldn't go back and abandon the mission she has, but she couldn't have herself held in check every minute of the day.

"What's wrong?"

Celeste almost snorts at the way her brother knew her so well. He knew her calling him the first thing is not normal. Hell, she would probably only call him each time she has something to update when she is away from the pack grounds. She tries to normalize her voice, pushing back the powers to make them behave, as she speaks, "Zack. The king is here. What do I do?"

A silence of few seconds continue before Zack sighs on the other side of the phone.

The young Alpha had his doubts already, and had told his dad to inform her of this might be happening. But the elder Alpha talked him out of it. Now Zack was afraid the king will try to get information on the working of the pack to see how they have so many species with them.

"Cel, as your brother as well as your Alpha, I would say you and your team do what they are there for. Now that he is there, chances are the wolves may feel conflicted on who to follow, including Jason. But you four still are not under command of him."

"What about the investigation on our pack?"

Celeste knew it was not normal for any pack to have any other species, so for Anderson pack to have so many is bound to raise question.

Question that the other packs had but couldn't raise due to lack of power and evidence. Question that the King and the Royal Palace won't have a problem in digging into.

"I will handle it. You focus there."

"Understood sir."

Celeste groans before saying good bye and cutting the call off. Standing up, she straightens her posture, finally getting the magic to quieten down before making her way down and into the kitchen for a coffee, where she finds her team and the Royal crew to stand in two separate corners save for Jason and Alan.

Finding Seth and Willow standing together, she head over to them as she makes a quick sweep for the King as well.

She finds him standing with a tall, well built brunette and a muscled black haired man deep in discussion. Almost like he could feel her eyes on himself, he looks up, his light brown eyes catching hers for a second before both of them look away.

Celeste takes the coffee from Willow before whispering, "Where are Alan and Jason?"

Seth is the one to answer, "To get the Gamma and the Formal permission from the Alpha of this pack to sort of miss the whole Addressing the pack thing."

Celeste lets out a sigh of relief.

At least something seems to go right for her. She needed to check out the area herself before talking to the witnesses and checking their memories. But that would have taken a lot of her time if she had to wait for the address to get over.

Celeste makes a quick motion for the five wolves of her pack to join her, glancing back to see the crew still being busy before she talks to her team.

"Alright guys, listen. I know it will be hard for all of you to resist the command of your king, so I am going to let all of you to stay for the address. As wolves, you will want to and need to stay to hear him. Jason will be with you too so you will have him to go to if it's something urgent, Okay," when she sees everyone nod, the witch continues.

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