Chapter 5

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It was well into the evening by the time Celeste had time to get a few minutes of solitude for herself.

During the whole day today, from the first moment, she let her thoughts wander to the point when she finally locked the lock of her private room, she has evaluated everything she knew. And now, she has no doubt that this all is leading back to something she would rather not be reminded of.

She picks up her phone and dials her brother's number, the whispers in her head whimpering and wailing at the harsh, cruel memories she could see flashing through her head.

"Celeste," Zachery Anderson's voice held a question she wasn't sure of. What did he want her to respond, what did he expect? For the first time, since the day he had given her a bone crushing hug and claimed her as his sister, Celeste was afraid. Afraid of seeing him hurt.

"Hey there."

Her voice was a mere whisper. That immediately piqued his worry, making the young alpha pull away from his mate and walking out to his balcony. His sister needed his attention more right now, something that as rare as it was, was a hell lot more pressing than anything he could think of.

"Are you okay, Cel? Do you want me to swap with you?"

A laugh bubbles out of the witch at her brother's instant proposal.

"And subject your pack to a few days of my leadership? Half of the ranked wolves will either jump of a cliff or try to get me killed. Neither is something that I look forward to."

"Our pack. And I will like to see them try. They seem to forget, you are the heir to the pack if something happens to me. Now, what is wrong?"

Celeste sighs, knowing she is backing out from the promise she had made. But she needed answers, now that this may be a problem to not just her, but the whole species of wolves.

"I know this is something I promised to stop, but I need to go back to the hunt."

"No, absolutely no. We lost..."

"Andrea last time. I know. Trust me no one knows it better than me. But Zack, its important. I... a small pack of rogues entered a pack line in a bizarre state. They literally tore themselves and each other up. They had this blue substance, looking close to what they showed me twelve years ago. It wasn't complete back then, but maybe they had been still working on it. I have to get to the bottom of it and stop it else..."

"Else what? I don't care Cel. The whole population of the wolves could get affected for all I care, but I can not even think about you getting back in the mess again. I won't... I won't lose you to it, like we lost Andrea. You are far more important to me!"

The voices, they shrink back at his yell. Even Celeste felt her eyes widen at the anger she heard in his voice, but her heart swelled and rejoiced in the love she received. At times it was hard for her to imagine that how far she has come from the scared, emotionless lonely little girl she was.

"Zack, I promise, I will be back by tomorrow morning here. And after that, I will take a team. The whole team. Even you if you want. But please, I need to find out more about it, just to confirm whether I am right or not."

Silence answers her for a few minutes.

Minutes where she was sure she is going to receive a 'no' again. Fortunately that didn't happen.

"I want you to link yourself to me. Right now. And I swear to the moon goddess, I will march down to the place with each and every warrior I can gather if I felt so much as even a hint of hurt through the link."

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