Step Three - Love Interest & Behavior

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Step Three: Form the dynamic between your yandere and their love interest.

Your yandere is a person with a personality and trigger, so you must keep up the consistency that you've had so far. First, you need to figure out how exactly your yandere feels about their love interest. The information you came up with within the previous steps will definitely offer you jumping-off points. How they view their love interest will impact how they treat them, but treatment comes later. Focus on your yandere's perspective and feelings towards their token of obsession. You also want to figure out how they act in public with their love interest versus how they act when they're alone with their love interest. An additional aspect that I think is very, very important is how your yandere acts and behaves when they feel in control of the situation versus how they feel when not in control. This gives you plenty of content to have a story that can encompass highs and lows in the plot.

Read this paragraph if you need me to go more in-depth; Your character has been triggered to yandere mode, but they still need to have a consistent personality even if that includes them being sporadic and unpredictable. Here are some phrases to help you understand what I mean when I say you should figure out exactly how they feel about their true love: "If I can't have you, no one can.", "I just have to keep you locked up and you'll love me eventually.", "Come on, if you don't show me the affection I deserve, I'll have to punish you~", "You're so perfect, darling. I love seeing those delicate tears." Determining the perspective your yandere has for their love interest will correlate to behavior and treatment and let you easily dictate how they'll react in various circumstances. You'll also need to know how they act in public and in private. In public, you have many external factors, and some or a lot of them can be seen as threats to your yandere. How will they react to potential threats floating around? Maybe your yandere is dating their love interest and their school is full of people who have the potential to distract their love interest. Your yandere might go on full-protective mode, but remember this is all in context to the information from the previous steps. You want to make a well-rounded character that makes sense to the reader. If your yandere happens to be sweet, energetic, and expressive perhaps they react emotionally and violently to external threats. If your yandere is also insecure then maybe instead they resort to making their love interest feel guilty for more attention. It's all up to you. As for the last part, knowing how your yandere acts when in and out of control will help you with your writing. You won't be hesitant or subconsciously avoid certain circumstances or events in your writing because you have a well-rounded character that you know well. Your story can support more dynamics, plot twists, and predicaments because your yandere has unique, consistent behavior to where they actually feel like a real person. In control, your yandere may be very clingy and obsessive. They may be very sweet to the love interest. Although, when the love interest begins slipping away, the yandere becomes cold and calculating, and may go to the extent of sabotaging the love interest in an attempt to get their dependence again. Conclusively, this part of your yandere's behavior depends on how they feel about their love interest.

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