Gina Doberman - 5'9

77 1 3

(Image from EllieMapleFox on Instagram)

Here's an example I created. Feel free to use this however you want. No credit needed.

Step One - Give them a personality.

Surface Level Personality: she's a creature of habit, she has her set routines and schedule that she follows, very consistent person, hesitant to new ideas or changes

Content State: a perfectionist that always makes sure her work is as best as it can be, very dedicated and determined when it comes to her passions and goals

Upset State: becomes very defensive and aims to find stability and protection in her habits

How She's Perceived: she's seen as composed and self-assured, a simple person

How She Feels About Her Perception: she's glad that her reserved nature can keep the deeper parts of her hidden

Step Two - Discern the trigger of obsession and desire.

Trigger Of Obsession: the love interest committed to her and became a part of her routine, a defined romantic relationship

Trigger Clarification: the love interest wants to abandon the relationship but this would change the routine she has become used to and she doesn't like changes

Her Perspective Of Trigger: she now views the love interest as a part of her life structure and will not tolerate any instability

Step Three - Form the dynamic between your yandere and their love interest.

How She Feels About Her Love Interest: she feels like it'll be the end of the world if her love interest leaves, she has no tolerance for losing her love interest

How She Acts In Public: impulsively rude and aggressive towards anyone who's being too disruptive towards her relationship, bullies her threats, vicious with her words

How She Acts In Private: uses a power dynamic to her advantage, wants her love interest to be submissive and compliant, overwhelms her love interest with generosity then guilt trips them later to do as she says

How She Acts When In Control: fully supports her love interest financially and spoils them, she's content and acts as she normally does

How She Acts When Out Of Control: she lets them drift away/leave and watches her love interest from afar to plan the best next move

Step Four - Establish your yandere's limits...and their actual limits.

Hinged Limits With Love Interest: she's willing to wait because she knows her love interest will struggle without her support and will eventually come back to her

Hinged Limits With Others: she'll continue ignoring whatever anyone else has to say and keep up with her previous behaviors

Unhinged Limits With Love Interest: she's willing to kidnap and lock her love interest up, she explains that they can no longer leave since they can't be trusted to return, she keeps her love interest as a pet and aims to fully break down their psyche so they're completely loyal and dependent to her

Unhinged Limits With Others: she changes her location and cuts ties with anyone she knew before, in her new residence she keeps her love interest a secret

Step Five - Declare the end of your yandere.

End: If she gets caught/exposed, being sent to prison is what'll stop her. Although, her love for her love interest won't end and she'll wait for the next chance to find them again.

How To Create A Yandere (+ free characters)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant