Step Five - End

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Step Five: Declare the end of your yandere.

Your yandere doesn't have to come to an end, but having one in the back of your mind will provide that final cherry on top to the creation of your character. What is the one thing that would put an end to your yandere? Depending on what you come up with or determine will give you more options for using your character. It can be anything from going to jail, their love interest tainting their image, or even death deeming the yandere would have never willingly ended their pursuit. Use what makes the most sense with what you've created so far and what you like the most.

Read this if you need me to go more in-depth; This thing can be the one moment your yandere shows fear. This thing can be used to give hope to the love interest or even break the fourth wall and give hope to the reader. Of course, it's your choice to follow up on that hope or crush their dreams of freedom. This thing can be a motive for your yandere. The possibilities are there and you only need to let them enrich your character and story. The most common end is death. The yandere was so obsessed that their crazed, yandere ways can only be ended by their death. Although, if your yandere is to a less severe extent, maybe their end is the loss of their reputation or having it threatened and they snap out of their craze. Maybe their end is the death of the love interest and your yandere simply plays with their victims until the corpses speak boredom. Once again, this all depends on your previous information. Depend on what you've come up with thus far and give a real, detrimental threat for your yandere. It could be something they're aware of, but it doesn't have to be. Your yandere may not realize or fully scope the seriousness of their end. Once again, their end coming into play all depends on whether you want it to or not.

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