Lilly Brooks - 5'7

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(Image from Suho Park on ArtStation )

Here's an example I created. Feel free to use this however you want. No credit needed.

Step One - Give them a personality.

Surface Level Personality: dark and gloomy aura, gets nervous and flustered easily, likes talking about dreams and the occult, insomniac, comes off as very private and secretive

Content State: she's still pretty guarded but less aloof, overindulges in her hobbies and favorite things, spends a concerning amount of money, comfortable and careless

Upset State: sees everything as a threat/insult and is easily hurt and offended, instead of her distant demeanor she's now very vigilant and suspicious of everything around her, assumes the worst of others' intentions

How She's Perceived: she's seen as flaky and irresponsible, everyone thinks she's been the same since they've known her and that she isn't the kind of person to change much, most people don't dislike her but they do lack respect for her and tend to ignore her

How She Feel About Her Perception: she doesn't like to think about how others feel about her as it's too much pressure to be aware of everyone's expectations, she feels there's no use in trying to change their mind, sometimes it overwhelms her and she breaks down in private

Step Two - Discern the trigger of obsession and desire.

Trigger Of Obsession: when her partner threatens to leave her, she's been doing all she can to keep them in love with her specifically showering them with gifts but she's just avoiding the inevitable

Trigger Clarification: she doesn't feel like anyone could ever give her a chance again, she feels her partner is the only one who would ever try loving her

Her Perspective Of Trigger: she sees her relationship as something she can't afford to lose and decides to take control to prevent her love interest from leaving her

Step Three - Form the dynamic between your yandere and their love interest.

How She Feels About Her Love Interest: she feels like she has to keep her love interest no matter how they or anyone else feels about it, she can't go on without her love interest

How She Acts In Public: very sensitive to any potential threats of her relationship, she responds very chaotically and causes a scene, follows her love interest around closely

How She Acts In Private: she always apologizes for her behavior and reactions, she spoils her love interest as best she can, avoids talking about the real issues in the relationship

How She Acts When In Control: she acts as she normally does in her content state, she's at ease and relaxed

How She Acts When Out Of Control: she makes a scene to embarrass her love interest and to gain their attention, she will cause chaos any way she possibly can and threaten her love interest, saying she won't stop until they speak to her/come with her/calm her down/etc.

Step Four - Establish your yandere's limits...and their actual limits.

Hinged Limits With Love Interest: she creates situations that allow her to start arguments with her love interest and makes them the bad one, gaslighting, goes into complete denial of her inappropriate behaviors

Hinged Limits With Others: she bribes others to leave her love interest alone or to unfriend them, she bribes people to go along with her plots

Unhinged Limits With Love Interest: she will continue playing the victim, she's willing to go as far as tying her love interest up and drugging them so they comply with her demands

Unhinged Limits With Others: she would use her intelligence to lure in people to kill them in cold blood, very personal and violent murders

Step Five - Declare the end of your yandere.

End: Only once she realizes it is hopeless. When she sees she's in too deep and comes to the reality of her action, she will stop. Only time will tell. If she encounters enough obstacles, drawbacks, and rejection she will give up and be left with the mess she made.

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