Ch 3. Compelling Secret

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 "I want to strike a DEAL," Caroline announced once again catching Damon off guard

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 "I want to strike a DEAL," Caroline announced once again catching Damon off guard.

Damon blinked, caught off guard. "A deal?" 

She nodded firmly. "I'll help you achieve whatever your goal is, in exchange for you not killing me."

He studied her for a moment, curiosity piqued despite himself. The blonde cheerleader was full of surprises. "And why would I want your help, Barbie?"

A flash of irritation crossed Caroline's face at the nickname before her expression smoothed out. She lifted her chin. "Because I'm incredibly capable. I can get things done quickly and efficiently, by any means necessary." Her lips curved into a slight smile. "Plus, you were just going to compel me anyway, right? This way, I stay alive and maintain some free will."

Damon had to admit, she made a fair point. And having the control freak on his side could potentially be an asset, assuming he could keep her in line. He regarded her with a lazy smirk. "Oh? And what's stopping me from simply taking what I want?"

"We both know you need me for something," Caroline countered, undeterred by his arrogant front. "And I'm offering you a way to get it without compelling me into submission like a martyr human." 

Her eyes danced with challenge and Damon found himself unexpectedly intrigued. There was something entertaining about her relentless confidence in the face of his snark. Perhaps keeping her around a while could

"Fine, Prudy Trudy," he agreed with an exaggerated roll of his eyes. "You've got yourself a deal. But I'll be keeping my eye on you."

Caroline scowled at the idiotic nickname, but thrilled inwardly at her small victory. "Please, just call me Caroline," she muttered, squashing the flicker of excitement. Dealing with Damon's giant ego was going to be a nightmare...but she could handle it. She always did.

At his nod of approval, Caroline revealed with a sly smile, "Also, I know the name of each and every single council member. I could help keep their suspicion away from you and even get you into the council if you want."

Damon raised an intrigued eyebrow, begrudgingly impressed by her boldness. "Is that so? And why would you do that for me?"

"Think about it," Caroline pressed on, emboldened. "That would undoubtedly work in your favor. You definitely don't look like the Edward Cullen type to survive off animal blood."

She eyed him meaningfully, recalling how he'd drained her to the brink of death. Like it was obvious he indulged in a steady diet of human blood to maintain his strength.

Damon's brow furrowed in confusion. "Edward Cull-en? Who?"

"Cullen," Caroline corrected with an exasperated sigh, wondering how he could be so oblivious to the Twilight phenomenon. Of course a centuries-old vampire wouldn't know about young adult novels.

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