Ch 25. Vampire Disneyland

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The crisp dawn was just peeking over the rooftops of Mystic Falls when Caroline emerged from her house, pulling the heavy oak door closed behind her

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The crisp dawn was just peeking over the rooftops of Mystic Falls when Caroline emerged from her house, pulling the heavy oak door closed behind her. She paused for a moment, breathing in the cool, dewy air and letting the tender golden light wash over her face. The town seemed to be holding its breath, a strange calm settling over the streets after so much recent turmoil.

"Hey Sam, you still there?" Caroline lifted her phone back to her ear, continuing the conversation she'd started inside. Samantha's tinny voice crackled with static but her tone was warm with familiar comfort.

"Yeah, I'm here Care. What were you saying about Bonnie?"

Caroline sighed, shoving her free hand into the pocket of her jacket as she started down the driveway towards her car. "I was just saying I'm worried. She's not responding to my texts or voicemails Elena said the same thing."

The morning stillness surrounded her, broken only by the periodic chirping of birds and the faint rustle of bare tree branches swaying in the light breeze. Caroline could almost convince herself that they lived in a normal, peaceful town.

"She's probably just processing everything, you know?" Samantha reasoned. "After all that has happened, she deserves some space."

"Yeah...yeah, you're right." Caroline slowed as she reached her little powder blue compact, fumbling in her jacket pocket for her keys with clumsy fingers numbed by the chill. Her breath puffed out in vaporous clouds as she exhaled, the subtle unease she'd been pushing down rising back up.

It was an illusion, this sense of calm. Mystic Falls nowadays was never truly at peace, just waiting for the next disaster to strike. Caroline's nerves were fraying with the quiet tension. She could feel eyes on her, the hairs prickling on the back of her neck.

With a small jump of surprise, her keys slipped from her grasp, hitting the pavement with a muffled metallic jingle in the stillness. Caroline whipped around, heart pounding, adrenaline surging as her gaze landed on the darkly handsome figure leaning against a nearby tree.

"Damon," she breathed out, sounding more bewildered than afraid as she recognized him. One hand pressed against the fluttering of her chest.

Samantha's worried voice sounded distant and tiny from the phone. "Care? Caroline, are you okay?"

The raven-haired vampire smirked, eyes dancing with wry amusement as he pushed off from the tree trunk with lazy grace. "Morning, Blondie."

Caroline swallowed hard, letting her hand drop as she wrestled her racing pulse back under control. "It' was just a bee," she managed to respond to her friend's concerned query, feebly attempting nonchalance.

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