Ch 7. Assistances

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Setting her phone back on the dresser she turned to Damon and yelled, "What the hell!!! Were you trying to give me a heart attack"

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Setting her phone back on the dresser she turned to Damon and yelled, "What the hell!!! Were you trying to give me a heart attack".

"No, I was trying to scare you",  retorted Damon earning an audible scoff from Caroline. "But looks like it worked a little too well", he whispered slightly touching his still throbbing nose.

Caroline not hearing the last part said looking annoyed, "Well you succeeded." 

"How did you get in here anyway?", she asked. Noticing his glance towards the window she exclaimed, "You know that there is a door, right? You should try it sometimes. At least it's would help make you a little less of a freak".

'Did she just call me a FREAK? Damon thought stunned. Though he was kind of a freak if you think about it (not that he would ever say that out loud) but no one has ever dared to say it to his face. Blondie was sure a brave little one.

Getting back to the conversation Damon answered "Now that wouldn't be fun now, would it?".

"No, but it would make you look a little less of a creep to my neighbours when they notice a grown-ass man climbing into a 17-year-old's room", countered Caroline with an aggravated tone.

Though she had a fair point, Damon didn't really wanna admit it, so he retorted, "Well if someone was to detect me I could just kill them".

His nonchalant attitude was a clear indication that he was not joking in the slightest and that scared Caroline a little. "Okay let's not go around killing my neighbours", she responded.

"Though I wouldn't mind Mrs White gone. Her nosy ass needs to get away from me and my business", whispered Caroline to herself. Mrs White was her 84-year-old meddlesome neighbour who had nothing better to do than to gossip about her and it was getting very annoying but at least she made delicious cupcakes that she brings over every Sunday morning. So that made her somewhat bearable.

Looking at Damon's amused reaction meant that he had heard what she had just whispered. Looks like vampires have super-hearing as well. She is going to have to add that to her list. Her dad's journal (which was actually their ancestor, William's journal) had not inscribed much on vampires' strengths compared to their weaknesses. Like how the hell can Damon walk in broad daylight when the sun is supposed to burn a vampire? The time she will have to spend with Damon will definitely help her increase her knowledge of vampires. And that you work to her advantage in the future.

"Anyway, looks like you are here to discuss what we talked about this morning, right?", Caroline asked already knowing the answer.

At the slight nod of approval, she let out, "Great, you wait here while I go get something from downstairs and then we will get right to it".

Without waiting for a reply, Caroline quickly rushed out of her room leaving a dumbfounded Damon behind.


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