Ch 16. The Party

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Caroline arrived at the grill half an hour before the party was due to start

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Caroline arrived at the grill half an hour before the party was due to start. She had to go over the details with the staff and check that everything was perfect. Everything was going according to plan, as far as she knew. This might have been a last-minute party but the blonde had a reputation to keep. Damon was up to something, which meant that things were about to get interesting.

The Grill was packed. All the usual faces were here, along with several new ones. The bar had been set up on one side of the room while the dance floor was on the other. Caroline was making her rounds greeting everyone, checking on the food, and ensuring that everything was running smoothly. She was doing a great job so far.

She noticed Kate who was standing by the bar chatting with one of her friends. She looked really good. Kate wore a dark gothic black dress with lace sleeves and a semi-deep V-neckline. Her long wavy raven braids was pinned up. She had smoky makeup and her lips were painted a deep red. She looked stunning.

"Hey Kate," Caroline said approaching the bar.

"Hi, Caroline. Good to see you again," Kate said smiling.

"How's it going?" Caroline asked.

"Good," Kate said.

"So you're enjoying yourself?" Caroline asked casually.

Kate smiled, "I am, thanks for the invite. How are you?" Kate asked turning to face her.

"I'm good. I've only been here twenty minutes and already I'm exhausted," Caroline said shaking her head, "This place gets so full in no time."

"Yeah. It can get a bit overwhelming at times," Kate agreed, nodding her head, "So I got you something," she said reaching into her bag and taking out a small box that had Kate's family bakery's logo on it.

"Oh wow, thanks!" Caroline said smiling broadly immediately recognizing the packaging, "That's so nice of you."

"Thought you could use a pick me up after all the stress," Kate said handing the box to Caroline, "Open it."

Caroline took the box from Kate with trembling hands. Opening the lid she gasped as she saw her favorite cookies inside. "These are amazing," she exclaimed as she started eating them.

"Thanks. I try my best," Kate said smiling.

"So what's new with you? Anything exciting going on?" Caroline asked as she ate her cookies.

"Not really. Work has been busy as usual. My parents are both away on holiday, so I am having to deal with the business by myself. Got a new tattoo yesterday which is awesome," Kate said proudly showing off her arm, "I was going to ask if you wanted to come with me but you never replied to my text."

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