Ch 15. Mr Broody's Birthday

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The sun was at its peak in Mystic Falls as Damon Salvatore strolled down the sidewalk

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The sun was at its peak in Mystic Falls as Damon Salvatore strolled down the sidewalk. Taking a deep breath, he inhaled the crisp October air.

After the events of Halloween night, things have been all over the place for him. After Stefan killed Vicki, his annoying girlfriend Elena blamed him for everything, even though it was her very own brother who killed Vicki. Caroline tried to reassure him, telling him that her friend was just being illogical but he could tell she was still shaken up by what had happened. She hadn't answered any of his calls for 2 days now. He left several messages asking her to call him back ASAP so they could talk about everything that had happened over the last few days... but still nothing.

But this was not the time to think about that he had a job to do. He was here to meet Sheriff Forbes, who was ironically Caroline's mother, the girl who was just plaguing his thoughts. He needed to get in her good books so that she would trust him enough to let him join the council in place of Zach. Damon was a vampire and no one knew that other than his brother, Caroline, and unfortunately, Elena and he would like to keep it that way. No amateur vampire hunters will be the cause of his downfall and he will make sure of that.


Caroline was laying in her bed with her laptop chattering with her friends. Even though she was missing them, She was happy to video call her friends, Jess and Sam. They chatted and laughed the whole time, just like they always do.

The blonde was happy to see them, but she also felt a little lonely. She couldn't go to Alexis's class with them because her mother said it wasn't safe-one of the teenage girls from their town had gone missing (The teenage girl being Vicki of course). Only she wasn't missing she was actually dead.

It's not that Caroline was afraid of going out alone or anything -her mom was just being extra cautious after everything that had happened lately. But it did make Caroline feel like she was missing out when she couldn't join in on all the fun with her gang.

Caroline smiled as they talked about what they'd be doing next week at school it seemed like every day since they'd been friends with each other was an adventure! She wished she could be there too...

"Halloween was fun but it felt incomplete with you," Sam said as she smiled at the camera. She was sporting her usual grey t-shirt that had a picture of a cat on it over her black sports bra and black sweet pants with red sneakers on her feet. Her brown hair was messy from sweating in class but she didn't care because she knew that she looked good anyway so why bother fixing it up?

"Yup we miss you. How was your Halloween?", Jess chimed in from beside Sam. She had her usual attire on, grey sweatpants, a grey hoodie, and white athletic shoes. Like the goofball she was sipping out of her Hersey's bottle as she chatted, (fully enjoying the dirty looks she was getting from people passing by), her blonde hair hung down all over her shoulder.

"Let's just say eventful to say the least...and traumatizing", Caroline whisper the last part and lucky for her, the girls didn't catch it. Caroline was still in her pajamas. Her wavy blonde hair was still in its normal hairstyle but you could tell that she hadn't brushed it since yesterday evening so naturally, there were some tangles in it as well. But she had no intention of correcting her appearance.

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