Ch 17. Bonnie the Teenage Witch

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"Today we're going to talk about shadow reckoning

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"Today we're going to talk about shadow reckoning. This is a method of measuring heights by the sun's shadow. Let's say, for example, that we're going to measure the distance of a shadow. We're gonna take this measure here, measure the length, and we're going to multiply that by the height of the source. Building height can also be measured, using a clinometer, which we're going to make in class tomorrow."

"Another day, another class," thought Bonnie as she struggled to stay awake. She was still trying to recover from her lack of sleep because of the nightmares that wouldn't stop. Ever since she got her hands on Emily's necklace/talisman according to her Grandma, all dreams became nightmares. The worst part of it all was that they were so vivid, sometimes even more than reality itself, that waking up in the morning felt like waking from a nightmare, at the same spot the old ruins in the forest.

But there would always come a moment when reality returned with such force that she woke up screaming, gasping for air, and feeling as if her heart would burst out of her chest. It happened every time and without warning. Last night was no exception, but then again, nothing had changed. The nightmares were getting worse by the day and didn't seem to have an end in sight.

Now she was sitting in class, trying to focus on what Professor Tresler was saying. The said teacher continued with her lecture without noticing that most of her students had fallen asleep halfway through.

As usual, the first part of the lesson went smoothly enough. Then came the explanation part and, as always, Bonnie could hear the snoring and saw the yawning. Her being one of them too. The nightmare left her drained and tired. Now, with the sun shining bright outside and everyone else dozing off, she wasn't sure that she'd make it through the whole day.

She was doing her best not to yawn herself but it was hard with all those numbers flying around. That was when her lingering eyes got a familiar shadow past the empty hallway outside the classroom. Curiosity getting the best of her, she turned towards the window and watched as a young woman walked past, dressed in old maiden clothes. Only now did Bonnie notice that she looked very similar to the person from her nightmares. Making sure no one was paying attention to her she crept out of the classroom.


Following the girl, Bonnie made her way down the woods' path, following it until she found herself in front of the ruins that she was now familiar with. The girl was standing in front of the ruins, looking up at them. As Bonnie approached, the figure turned around and looked at the young woman. Bonnie froze upon seeing the face.

"Please, help me," the woman pleaded.

Bonnie took a step back, unsure whether she should approach or turn away. Something compelled her to keep going forward though. "Who are you?"

The woman smiled, "I'm Emily, You know that. We're family."

Bonnie knew that she was telling the truth. Her Grandma had shown her their ancestors' pictures and told stories about them. But why was she asking for help? What was wrong with her? "Where am I?" She asked.

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