Chapter Two

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Later that evening Elizabeth found herself standing at the fringes of Lady Danbury's ballroom quite content with herself and wanting a moment of break after dancing with three suitors already. And she was almost certain that they had sought her out on behalf of her aunt in attempt to please the nights host.

She had meant what she said earlier as she was fully aware that most of the attention on her tonight would be at the fault of being mentioned in Lady whistledown's scandal sheet. Which was fastly becoming a more important recommendation than the queen herself! So she had no time to court men that only wish to bag the best prize of the season.

Sighing she decided that it was high time she informed her aunt of her nights progress so far. In the hopes she would stop sending suitors her way to dance with her out of fear of her aunt's sharp tongue.

Across the ballroom Anthony Bridgerton had found his mother Lady Bridgerton who was conversing with the host Lady Danbury, he had been agitated all evening with the influx of suitors his sister Daphne had so far received, non of which he had all but decided were worthy of his sisters hand let alone for a dance.

"Mother have you seen Daphne? I was hoping to take a turn about the room with her" He asked reaching the two older ladies who continued to speak in hush tones.

"Ah Anthony, I believe she is with one of your brothers- ah" Lady Bridgerton smiled grabbing her sons arm before he could turn away. "she is in capable hands my dear, Please stay awhile keep your mother company"

"Lady Danbury" he greets turning back around to face the women.

"Viscount! Is there a reason you have not danced with a single lady other than your sister this evening?" Lady Danbury asked as she took a sip of her wine.

Anthony looked at his mother for help but was met with an amused questioning look on her face, of course she was not going to come to his aid as it was his mother's wish just as all ton mama's wish for their children to be married off. Especially in his case as the eldest of the children and the head of the family no less l. It was expected of him to find a wife and produce heirs. Much to his dismay, for Anthony did not see the need for such responsibilities as he had brothers who can produce heirs and he had his flings and mistress to warm his bed. He did not believe he would fall in love and thought it was a waste of his efforts to find out. As he was the head of the family and his responsibility to run the estate were time consuming enough.

'Uh well Lady Danbury, I -" He squirmed.

"Ah Lady Danbury I think I see your niece!" Lady Bridgerton claimed finally coming to rescues her son after watching him sweat like a schoolboy in front of the host.

"Ah I believe you are right, Lord Bridgerton perhaps you may dance with my niece?" Lady Danbury smiled.

Before he could respond a voice from behind spoke. "Your niece what?" The girl mused joining the group standing between her aunt and him.

"My dear this is Lady Bridgerton and Viscount Bridgerton." Her aunt motioned to the lady next to her and the brooding man beside Elizabeth.

"This is my niece I was discussing with you Lady Bridgerton, Miss Elizabeth Priestley"

"It is so nice to meet you Miss Priestley and may I say you look lovely this evening!" Lady Bridgerton smiled at her and examining her dress.

Elizabeth had been gifted this dress from her aunt earlier this evening and had decided that it was to be one of her favourites. The dress it self was a pale blue chiffon colour with a white satin sash, she blushed at the compliment before thanking the viscountess.

"My niece what?" she questioned her aunt and in return her aunt gave her a exasperated look.

"Oh yes well my son had mentioned he should like to ask to have next dance with you." motioning back to the brooding man next to her.

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