Chapter twenty five

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 There are certain moments in a person's life that will always prevail in their memory, moments that will always remain with someone even if they cannot remember the details in full. The details of a memory may fade but the remnants will remain. And in that exact moment, Elizabeth knew she would always remember the scent of his aftershave, Musk and mint. 

Her lips touched his softly at first. Partly because she was unsure how to even kiss but mainly she pressed gently in pure surprise that she Elizabeth Priestly was kissing Anthony Bridgerton! The viscount! She had only known this man for less than a year and for the most part hated him, She had never thought of touching her lips to his before. She could barely believe what she was doing - or that she wanted to kiss him. 

Anthony remain deathly still, he was in a state of shock and was fearful if he moved a single muscle that this moment would end. That any sudden movements would deter Elizabeth and this moment he had dreamt many of nights of would be gone. Better yet he wasnt sure if in fact he was dreaming. 

She pulled back just a few inches to catch her breath, Anthony look down as her eyes fluttered opened and began to look back through her lashes. The pair stood in utter silence the only sound was the mixture of each others pants. The fireplace alit cracked and Anthony watches as Elizabeth face began to sober from the moment, in a panic not wanting this moment to end he pulled her close until her body was lightly pressed against his. In a swift move he had manoeuvred her body against the writing desk and pin her in. 

"Anthony-" Elizabeth whispered but was cut off by his lips crashing against hers. His hand splayed against her back to keep her against his body. He could feel the heat of her under his fingertips. He drew her closer to him until he could feel every inch of Elizabeth's body against his, setting his skin on fire. 

Her lips parted gasping in response and, he took advantage of her parted lips by sliding in his tongue.  And what surprised her even more was the moan that came out in response to his actions. Anthony took this a sign of encouragement and let his hands travel to her rear, and cup gentle for a moment before lifting her up onto the desk resulting in a surprised squeak. He groan in response as his lips traveled down her navel reducing Elizabeth to pant.  

Just as Anthony hand reached to cup her breast the sound of footsteps pulled the pair from the heated moment.  Elizabeth instantly sobering up pushed Anthony from her and hopped off the desk in a flash. 

"Someone is coming!" She panicked. Elizabeth looked around the room trying to come up with a plan, or an escape route. Her gaze landed on a out of breath Anthony and realisation dawn on her that she had found herself alone once more with this man. 

"You need to hide" She whispered facing the viscount. "Now." 

"What" he was doubt-found. 

"Yes. You need to hide now! You will not ruin my reputation" She hissed and had pushed the man under the desk.  

"Stay under there and be quiet." she ordered him before slamming  down on to the chair in front of him, she puffed her skirt up in an effort to completely conceal the opening. 

Anthony crouched down under the desk now successfully completely hidden. 

The door opened revealing Elouise who smiled at the sight of her friend. "Elouise! What are you doing in here?" Elizabeth asked looking up from the book that Anthony had stolen earlier. 

"What am i doing? what are you doing? Are you hiding too?" She asked pulling a chair opposite the desk. 

"Ah yes! You have caught me" Elizabeth forced a chuckle. 

"Hiding from my brother no doubt" She laughed. "You truely dislike Anthony. I find it utterly hilarious, What is it you said in your letter last week..." 

"Letter? What letter? i am certain i said nothing" Elizabeth eyes darted to under the desk. Anthony listened keenly, readjusting his position slightly reminding her of his presence in the process. 

"No! you did, you said the funniest thing. Gosh what was it?"  Elouise leaned back into her chair in thought. "AH! i remember. You said you would sooner prefer to tie one's garter than dance with the viscount" She laughed. 

Elizabeth's face heated up in embarrassment. Meanwhile Anthony shifted positions again, He had been forced to hide away from his little sister and now his pride was wounded. He smirked hatching a plan for pay back. 

"Ah yes well, i do get carried away with my writings.." She trailed off. 

Anthony reached his hand to her ankle and began to gentle trace small pattens which instantly made Elizabeth jump in her seat. "Are you quite alright Lizzie?" Elouise frowned. 

"You have not said why you are hiding?" She diverted the conversation. Anthonys hand continued to trace patterns but had began to travel up to her leg. 

Elizabeth leaned over the desk and grabbed her fan in response. "I refuse to give my mother the satisfaction of my presence in the ballroom." Elouise began to rant. 

Elizabeth hummed a response and nodded as she tried to remain still. It was as if the pair had began a bluffing game, where either she would retreat or Anthony's hand would stop traveling further up her leg. She hoped at least he would.

"... And heavens forbid i refuse to dance..." Elouise continued, Elizabeth nodded but granted that this moment she could not concentrate. 

His hand raise higher and reached her inner thigh. His actions becoming more pleasurable than anxious for her, until his hand nudge her other thigh to open her legs further. Elizabeth shot up, "Stop!" She squeaked. 

Anthony suppressed his chuckled. "Stop?" Elouise asked confused. 

"I mean... Lets get some refreshments and you can continue your point?" Elizabeth walked quickly over to her friend and nearly yanked her arm up. "come!" 

The pair left the room leaving a very amused and satisfied Anthony behind.


Wow! I just wanted to add a little thank you to all the support you guys have given since beginning this story. I love reading your comments and your reactions literally make my day! <3 

Thank you sooo much! New chapter coming this week so keep an eye out!

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