Chapter Eight

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The spring air was crisp, but the sun was warm, and the sky was surprisingly clear blue after so many typical London days of rain. Simon had promised to walk with her to Hyde Park, she needed fresh air after days of being confined to Lady Danbury's drawing room. She had been grateful that Lady Whistledown had left her alone meaning the masses of suitors had all but disappeared. And as she had no wish to marry a man who wanted her as a prize. And frankly, she was happy for the peace. Elizabeth had taken the time to dissect the events from Lady Trowbridge's ball over the past few days, She was not sure what to think of what Anthony had said.

"Are you okay Lizzie?" Simon asked pulling her from her thought.

"Yes of course!" She beamed.

"No, you are not"

"Simon, I am perfectly fine" she assured her friend.

"No, you are not" He had stopped her to face her. "You have all but ignored my last five questions. You are up in the clouds" He laughed.

"I am not in the clouds" she crossed her arm.

"What is the matter? You know you can speak to me" He asked sincerely but Elizabeth knew this was one thing she was certain she could not tell him. She had not dared to tell a soul of what had happened at Lady Trowbridge's ball, she knew if anyone knew what Lord Berbrooke had tried to do, even if he was not successful. The mere suggestion was enough to ruin her reputation.

Why must you plague my mind, Miss Priestley?

She shivered; No, she could definitely not tell Simon about her conversation with Anthony too, she thought.

"I uh-" she mumbled trying to come up with an excuse.

"Your Grace! Miss Priestly, I am so glad to see you both" Daphne exclaimed as she walked towards the pair.

"Miss Bridgerton, it is so lovely to see you. Would you like to join us?" Simon asked kissing her gloved hand.

"I should be delighted"

"Miss Bridgerton, Is Elouise with you today?" Elizabeth asked. "I had a question for her" she lied, she had no burning question for Elouise but did want to get away from Simon's questions.

"Please, call me Daphne." She smiled "And yes, she is by the riverbank with my family."

"Ah well I shall take my leave and join them" Elizabeth smiled. "And please call me Lizzie"

And with that, she left the couple allowing the pair some alone time.

Elizabeth had reached the Bridgerton's Picnic canopy when Colin had noticed her. "Lizzie! We did not expect to see you" he smiled as he offered her a hand to help her sit down on the blanket.

"Well, you are such the charmer sir" She laughed.

Anthony who had been lounging on the overside of the blanket had froze at the sight of Elizabeth. He too had spent the past few days trying to understand what had transpired at the ball, Why had he not been able to get the insufferable women out of his head? Bloody hell. He didn't even like the women. She was too bossy, too opinionated, too quick to jump to conclusions. She was too beautiful, he had decided.

Elizabeth's face was too symmetrical, her eyes too big, too bright. Everything about her was too something. Even her mouth, which vexed him to no end with its endless stream of insults and opinions, was too full. Her lips, were full and pouty, and -provided that she kept them shut and didn't speak- eminently kissable.


Anthony shuddered. The thought of kissing Elizabeth Priestly was terrifying indeed. In fact, the mare fact that he'd even thought of it ought to be enough to have him locked up in an asylum and throw away the key.

Blinded Fools | Anthony Bridgetonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें