Chapter Six

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Hey Guys!

Thanks so much to everyone who is reading my story! dont worry we will have more Elizabeth and Anthony soon too! maybe a little heated too? Anyway i hope you enjoy this chapter and please feel free to comment! :D

Tonight, a privileged selection of only the most fashionable guests will descend upon the most scandal- prone grounds in all of London: Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens.

Its shaded garden walls, such as those of the Dark Walk, have covered for the most notorious of trysts. This author wonders which persons of Quality shall be discovered there tonight. Or better yet, how many?


21 MAY 1813

"Ladies and gentlemen, a most extraordinary event is about to take place! Right this way! Come! Come!"

"It's starting Aunt!" Elizabeth squealed at her aunt before taking her arm to join the crowd gathering at a stage where the master of ceremonies had begun his speech. They soon found small clearing in the crowd.

"It is with great privilege I present Vauxhall's newest spectacle of illumination! Feast your eyes above! And allow all that is radiant to overwhelm you!"  He nods towards an aid, who lights a nearby fuse. Which is when the most glorious, golden-coloured light bathes the sea of crowd, as every single one of those lanterns illuminate. The crowd gasps. An awed Elizabeth looks up, smiling, as musician play.

"Oh, Isn't it wonderful?!" She asks squeezing her aunt's arm.

"yes, yes very wonderful indeed. Although my dear when you have lived as long as I have, nothing surprises you anymore." Lady Danbury smiles. "I must say all this excitement has me parched; I shall be back in bit my dear"

Her aunt smiles once more at her before disappearing into the crowd.

"I will not hear of this!" a whispered shout came from behind her.

"--You wanted to find a husband, did you not daphne? Well, it should be just as easy for you to fall in love with Lord Berbrooke as with anyone else." another voice responded calmly. Anthony. She had recognised that arrogant tone anywhere.

Elizabeth could feel the unsolicited disgust fill her body upon hearing that The Viscount had all but sold his sister off to that buffoon of a man. It was common sense that if you took one second to truly look at Lord Berbrooke then it would be sure to see that he is not a suitable match for anyone in ton.

"I have already begun the arrangements. The banns shall be read in a matter of days--" He continues.

"I said I will not hear of this" Daphne interrupted before storming away.

Elizabeth could not contain her opinion any longer and turned around to face Anthony, who was still looking in the direction of where his sister had just left with a painful expression. From his pride being hurt, she thought.

"Lord Bridgerton, do you think so low of your sister to marry her off to that odious man?" her voice laced with venom.

As if a sorrowful spell had been broken Anthony snapped his head towards her. "This is none of your concern Miss Priestly and you will do well to remember that." he hissed before storming off.

"Did you truly dance with the Bridgerton girl? Twice?" Will asked before dodging a jab from Simon. Elizabeth who was sitting in the corner of the room reading snapped her head up from her book.

"Wait?! You danced with Daphne?!" she asked before standing up from her seat and walking to the edge of the boxing ring. "You never mentioned this to me" She pouted.

She knew it was not proper for a girl of her standing to be seen in such an establishment but she had become fast friends with the Mondrichs through Simon. Alice, Will's wife had even made her godmother to their youngest.

Will laughed before landing a right hook against Simon's face causing him to stumble back.

"Remind me, why did I allow you two to be friends" he huffed before taking another punch.

Elizabeth laughed "You think you had any choice in the matter after Alice and I were acquainted? Simon, you are more of a fool than I thought" she teased.

"I could just tell Lady Danbury that you had spent the afternoon here and you'll be eating your words Lizzie" He countered.

"Yes, well we all know friend, it will be your death warrant signed if Lady Danbury was to find that her niece was here" Will laughed.

Simon shifted his weight and chuckled, for it was true that he would definitely be scared of Lady Danbury's reaction should she find out that Elizabeth had been exposed to such violence even if it was just boxing.  In a moment of distraction, he had no time to miss another jab from Will.

"You know Simon it is very tedious after a while watching you box, so predicably bad" She teased before sitting back down to attend to her book once more.

"Simon!" Anthony's voice boomed from behind her almost making her drop her book.

"Give me strength" She muttered under her breath as Anthony arrived at her side glancing down at Elizabeth in surprise.

"Miss Priestly?" he asked, his voice was questioning. "What on earth are you doing in a place like this?"

"That is none of your concern Lord Bridgerton" She mumbled into her book sarcastically reciting his exact words from the night before.

"This is no place for a woman"

She huffed and slowly turned the page of her book ignoring the viscount.

"Miss Priestly" he continued

Elizabeth looked up from her book for a snap second, looking at Simon and Will's faces as they watched her and Anthony with dishevelled breath before going back to her book. She was sure she had read the same line about three times in an effort to ignore Anthony's presence looming next to her.

"Might I have a word?" he sighed in defeat turning his attention back to Simon, remembering the purpose of his visit.

"Have as many as you like, Bridgerton" Simon responded as he adjusted the wraps on his hands.

Anthony looked back at Elizabeth and then to Will before coughing. "Alone"

"My fists have taken enough pounding from your chin today, Your Dukeship" Will laughed as he climbed out through the boxing ring ropes.

Anthony glanced at Elizabeth again to see she had not even looked up from her book in defiance against him. Simon rolled his eyes and gave a knowing look to Will.

"Lizzie! Why don't we go upstairs? Alice can make some tea?" He chuckled.

"Fine, only because I wish to see my godchild" She sighed in defeat.

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