Chapter Nine

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It has come to this author's attention that the ton is abuzz with a most sordid tale. It is said one cannot judge a book by its cover. But in the case of the bumbling Baron Berbrooke, it seems his displeasing appearance is quite an apt metaphor for the state of affairs in his household. I would not be surprised if Lord Berbrooke were called away to the country on alleged business...

Business which, perhaps, might involve sending some much overdue funds to one former maid and young boy, who we can only hope takes after his mother.


15 JUNE 1813

"Oh, Elizabeth, I can't thank you enough for helping us spread word of Berbrooke's true nature" Lady Bridgerton gushed handing Elizabeth a freshly filled teacup.

"Oh, it was nothing!" Elizabeth smiled, her teacup halfway suspended between her saucer and mouth.

"It is a great deal more than nothing!" Daphne counted from the oppose sofa in the Bridgerton house drawing room.

"You are my friend Daphne; it was no bother" She smiled.

Following the incident at the picnic where Lord Berbrooke had all but declared he would ruin Daphne if they did not marry, Lady Bridgerton had schemed a way to free her eldest daughter from a miserable marriage to the most dishonourable man Elizabeth had ever met. Not long after Violet had recruited Elizabeth's aid to help spread word of Berbrooke's bastard child and his behaviour, which she was more than happy to do.

Simon had advised her on the events that led up to Lord Berbrooke's outburst at the park. That he had too also tried to ruin Daphne at the Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens and if it was not for Daphne's quick right hook he would have succeeded. He had also explained that he may have been the reason for extra bruises and cuts Lord Berbrooke had fashioned last.

It had not been a mere 48 hours before Elizabeth found herself having tea with Lady Bridgerton and Daphne in triumph of Lady Whistledown's report of Berbrooke leaving town abruptly.

"Well, I am glad that the matter is now behind us, and Daphne can continue her season and find suited match." Violet smiled as she picked up her embroidery.

"Elizabeth, do you play?" Daphne asked as she gestured to the white glossed pianoforte in the corner of the drawing room.

"Only with my sister" She smiled nervously. "I must confess I get stage fright. I do not bare the confidence of the Smythe-Smith Daughters." The Smyth-Smith musicale was renowned for being the most horrid affair of the season.

"Oh, I must hear you play Lizzie!" Daphne laughed as she stood up and started to pull Elizabeth towards the Pianoforte. "We can duet if it pleases you?"

"Very well" Elizabeth laughed as the pair sat side by side and began to play a duet.

Elizabeth clearly still a little nervous found herself giggling whenever she would hit the wrong key while Daphne would bump shoulders in encouragement. Both had not noticed Anthony had entered the room as they continued to play facing away from the doorway.

"I have heard talk that Berbrooke has left town. I think this solution to our problem did not come about by chance." Anthony declared to his mother in hushed tones in an effort to conceal his presence from their guest. "I am resolved to handle matters differently in the future."

"Or perhaps not at all." His mother returned with a similar tone. "I know society has dictated your present role in this family, Anthony. But with Daphne officially out, I assure you, I am more than capable."

Anthony shuffled on his feet as the music from the other side of the room stopped. Both girls laughing turned around to finally notice his presence.

"Anthony" Daphne greeted, rising to her feet.

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