Chapter twenty one

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Anthony felt that the past 72 hours had been the longest of his life so far. After seeing Elizabeth that afternoon, he had to endure a whole evening with the Featheringtons at the request of his mother. As the head of the family he had no choice. The dinner was to celebrate the engagement, and even if he did not agree with Colin, he would not dare to formally insult his choice, in public at least. Even if that meant listening to the elder Featherington daughter sing so off key that he was sure he'd have a headache for a week.

And then came the latest Whistledown paper. His family instantly shrouded in scandal.

Dearest readers, it has come to attention of this writer of a grave fraud that is afoot. As if the Featheringtons did not have enough to be dealing with, Miss Marina Thompson is with child. And she has been from the very first day she arrived in our fair city. Desperate times may call for desperate measures, but I would wager many will think her actions beyond the pale. Perhaps she thought it her only option, or perhaps she knows no shame. I ask you dear readers, Can the ends ever justify the means?


28 JULY 1813

Throughout this ordeal he kept going back to what Elizabeth had said and how she had tried to warn him that Miss Thompson may not be who they thought.

"Miss Thompson be must in be agonies over these scandalous lies. Why cannot i visit her?" Colin paced the drawing room.  Ever since the news had broken Colin had gone from shock to upset and now was in a full state of denial that the rumours were true.

"Colin" His mother sighed.

"Listen brother, that the ton devours every word that chittish writer publishes and is the only thing keeping this family from shame. Because of her column no one believes you are Miss Thompson's child. But if you were to go near her, then they will presume you are responsible for her ruin. And all your sisters will pay for your notoriety. Is this what you desire?" Anthony explained.

"Well of course not! But-" Colin was interrupted by the door revealing Daphne.

"Dearest!" Violet exclaimed standing to great her eldest daughter.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in lovers bliss on your honeymoon" Anthony teased.

Daphne entered the room and sat beside her mother. "I came as soon as I heard the news"

"I cant imagine the Duke was not too happy to leave his new wed bliss" Benedict joked who to this point had stayed very quiet. "Where is the fellow?"

"He is setting up the house" Daphne tried to avoid her mother's examining stare.

"We have all things in order sister, we do not require your assistance" Anthony stated.

His mother instantly scolded her eldest son. "Well, that is just not true and you know it. Once the ton see we still have the favour of the Duke and Duchess, the whispers will surely cease."

"Certainly, Now what grand event will the ton be descending on this week?"


"Simon! Daph" Elizabeth smiled as she and her aunt greeted the newlywed couple.

Elizabeth was eager to attend the Queen's Luncheon after hearing of their return, she had sorely missed them and was also keen to check on Colin after the news of the fallen Miss Thompson. Seeing as Lady Danbury had of late struggled to entice her to any social obligations, she was more than happy that her niece was so enthusiastic to attend the days social event.

Elizabeth mocked a bow to the couple earning a laugh before hugging the pair. "So, you have returned" Her aunt announced. "Excellent timing, with all the tiddle taddle involving your brother."

"All a coincidence. I assure you" Daph laughed sending Lizzie a wink.

"Well your plan is working and I for one am pleased" Elizabeth commented.

"Oh I almost forgot. I am hosting a party I would very much like you to attend" Her aunt smiled.

"We love a good party" Simon finally spoke, receiving a stern look from Daphne. Elizabeth frowned confused, this was not the same couple she had found in the garden with Anthony.

"It is not for you, your grace. This invitation is for one. A special evening for the married women of the ton"

Elizabeth frown. "I don't understand why it is that I cannot come?" This earned her a defeated sigh from her aunt; they had argued about this subject before. "I live in the house, what am I meant to do?"

"Why you must come to ours!" Elouise startled the group as she joined. "Sorry. I did not mean to scare."

Lady Danbury laughed. "Nonsense child. That is a sound idea." She looked at Lizzie for confirmation.

"I do not want to be a burden; your family has been through enough this week." Truthfully, she was not sure if she wanted to see Anthony again. She was still annoyed at herself for not doing more for Colin too.

"Mother loves you. We all do! It is better than spending the night stuck in your room" Her friend argued.

"I'm sure you will be eligible for an invite next year my dear" Her aunt smiled receiving a scoff from her.

"Yes well, If this season's luck is like next year then i will be surely on the shelf in no time" She joked. Lady danbury swatted her niece with her cane.

"You are not matched because you have been what you claim to be unlucky my dear. You simple refuse to entertain any of the poor gentleman who has pursued you. In fact the only eligible gentleman you have entertain is The viscount."

"The Viscount?" This caught the attention of Simon. " I thought you did not like Anthony?"

Elizabeth glared at her aunt. "I still dislike him" She announced not even convincing herself of her answer. She sighed. "He is friendly, we are civil" She blurted.

"I think i need a drink. Anyone need a drink?" She mumbled and walked before anyone could speak.

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