Chapter 1: New Assignment

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A cold breeze flew past me, sending a single shiver down my spine as I pinned Carlos to the ground, my knife against his neck assuring that if he moved... well he wouldn't get cut or hurt at all for that fact, after all the blade was fake. He smiled and put his hands up accepting defeat. I stepped up and held out my hand to pull him up off the ground. There was a knock on the window that separated the training room and the hallway. The chief stood on the opposite side signalling me to come out. I said my farewell to Carlos while grabbing my sweat towel and water bottle leaving my fake knife behind by accident. Walking out the door, I can see the Chief already walking away, 'typical' I think to myself as I run to catch up to him.
"You wanted to speak to me?" I say still walking.
"You have a new assignment. I trust you have heard of the Kira case, yes?" He asks not turning to look at me.
"That dude that thinks of himself as a saviour for killing criminals to make a better world for good people?"
"Ye- what? Care to explain your thought process there?"
"Nah, that's just the vibe I get off him from what I've heard, anyways yeah I know a bit about him, why's that?" I question entering the chief's office as he holds the door open before closing it behind him and sitting in his leather chair.
"Let me run you up to speed..." he mumbles, taking a sip of coffee and sighing.

Chief's POV:
There is alot of people at this meeting, I can understand why they need such a big room now but I still don't quite understand why we were invited here. I look to my left, the Head of the CIA standing next to me. His face is emotionless as he stares blankly at the gigantic projector at the front of the room. I hear the door next to me open and the sound of two men talking fills my ears.
"Chief why are we here?" A young man with straight black hair asked a much older looking man probably in his late 40's to early 50's.
"The kira case." He spoke with a calm voice, standing at the top of the stairs looking around to find his country so he could take his seat.
"What?! The kira case!" The young man exclaimed a little loud, although nobody heard as they were all stuck in their own conversation, apart from me I guess.
"Matsuda! The man scolded. Would you keep it down!" Facing him briefly before setting his eyes on two empty seats.
"Sorry" the black haired man lowered his head, his fringe falling in front of his eyes before fast walking after the other and taking seats in their country's area. 'Japan' I thought as an image of their country's flag was on the back of their seats. Suddenly the projector at the front turned on showing multiple victims of kira and the information. The room went quiet and a man walked up to the podium that held a microphone, most probably sheets of paper too, that weren't visible to us as we were right up the back.
"There have been 52 deaths that we are aware of and that's just in the past week! He began. Every single one of them involved a heart attack" the old man looked exausted, his face didn't even try to hide the fact he was over this already.
"They are all criminals who are either wanted by police or people who have been convicted of outstanding crimes." A man sitting in the first row of seats said rather clearly into his headset.
"Other criminals have not even been accounted for, in this case the Death toll is possibly over 100 by lots" Stated another. There was some small talk between men and women all round before the guy at the front spoke again.
"The criminals dying are simply ones who were facing execution sooner than later, perhaps we shouldn't-"
"WHY SHOULD IT MATTER WHETHER ITS A CRIMINAL OR NOT. LAST TIME I CHECKED MURDER IS MURDER!" one man shouted, abruptly interrupting the previous man talking.
"Isn't it way to early to consider these all homicides?" On the opposite side of the room, one fellow spoke up trying to reason with the other.
"OH YEAH? WELL I'D LIKE TO SEE YOU PROVE TO ME HOW ALL OF THESE PEOPLE HAD HEART ATTACKS AT THE SAME GOD DAMN TIME!" He yelled furiously. The Head leaned in next to me whispering quietly enough for only me to hear.
"This is hectic." I turned and nodded with complete agreement. He was right, I'm not to sure whether putting a bunch of men from difderent countries and EXTREAMLY different opinions all together in one room was a good idea.
"Were treating this as an elaborate murder plot that has been carried out by some large organisation!" A new voice spoke sternly.
"If it is a large oraganisation, I'm sure Im not alone in suspecting the FBI or CIA."
What?! Us killing people, I don't think so!
"I DARE YOU TO SAY THAT AGAIN!" the Head threatened causing everyone to turn around and stare at us. I don't think that man, or anyone for that fact new we were in here. Apart from the make that invited us.
"The CIA has nothing to do with it! I suggest you check your facts before you go around accusing us." I confronted the man as he sat down not saying a word.
"NOW NOW! This is not the time to be joking around! We need to confirm whether these are homicides or coincidences."
"Autopsy results prove for a fact that the deaths were all heart attacks, how can that be a coincidence?!"
"If these people had been shot or stabbed at least we would have something to go on. Investigating heart attacks isn't going to get us anywhere."
The man up the front sighs into the microphone grabbing everyone's attention.
"If that's the case then I guess we have no choice but to bring in L!" The room once again went kind of silent, only mumbles and quiet small talk arose.
"Wait Wait Wait. They don't mean, the L! Do they?" I was astonished at what happens at these conferences. Yeah I may be the Chief of the CIA but the Head is usually the only one who comes to these meetings. After all he is higher up than me.
"Yeah, the L. We don't know anything about him, name, gender, whereabouts, in fact we still don't even know what he looks like. Despite that he has managed to solve every case he has ever worked on, tackling some of the biggest mysteries the World's ever known. He's a genius! The best of the best. The last resort. Our trump card.
"I've heard this, L, is very arrogant. Only takes on cases he, himself is personally interested in!" A man spoke up, starting the conversation again. Although you could hardly call it a conversation at this point.
"Exactly, besides! we don't even know how to contact the man!" Suddenly, an unfamiliar voice echoed through the room.
"L is already here." A man dressed in all black walked out of...nowhere! Where was he the whole time? His black hat hid his face, while he walked up to the podium. Carrying a black case in hand he stopped and turned to face us all. Was this L?
"Ladies and Gentlemen, L has already begun his investigation into this case." The unidentified man spoke once again.
"This is the only known man that knows L in person and who can contact him, his identity is also unknown." The man that once stood at the podium explained now taking a seat next to Russia.
"Please be silent, he started, L would now like to address you all" speaking clearly he placed his black case on the podium opening it towards us to reveal a computer, displaying the letter 'L' written in an old English font. The letter then appeared on the giant screen behind him.
"Greetings to all of you and the ICPO... I am L."
"The difficulty of this case is an unprecedented scope." There was a voice filter used to speak through the computer. 'We couldn't even know his own voice?' My thoughts bounced around inside my head.
"This case can not be solved without the full co-operation of the ICPO, that is all the police organizations throughout the world. You must make the decision whether or not you will fully support this investigation. Also, I require additional co-operation from the Japanese Police Agency."
The two men that I saw briefly before the meeting began raised from their seats. Both seemed quite shocked but also concerned.
"What? Why Japan in particular?" The older man spoke while the other nodded repeatedly.
"I have reason to believe that whether the guilty party is an individual or in a group there is a strong possibility that they are Japanese, or furthermore located in Japan."
"And what proof do you have exactly?"
"Why Japan huh? I will be able to provide proof with after I have directly confronted the company."
"A direct confrontation?" The man asks. To be honest I'm not completely sure if he was asking L or himself that question.
"I would like to set up the investigation headquarters in Japan." Some more small talk happened, mostly organisation with when and where meeting between the Japanese and L. The meeting was closed shortly after. The Head and I walked out into the hallway and discussed what happened while the rest of the countries left. Just as we were leaving, the man that was up the front of the room talking in the meeting poked his head out of the door.
"The CIA?" He questioned
We both nodded our heads before he gestured for us to come back inside. We looked at eachother briefly before walking back in. At the bottom of the stairs stood the old man, a young woman, looking to be about 29 years old holding a bunch of folders in her arms and the two men from the Japanese police. The Head walked down the stairs, their eyes set on us like predetor and prey. I followed behind the Head reaching the bottom of the stairs before the man from the meeting spoke up.
"CIA this is the Japanese Chief of Police and one of his detective workers." He introduced the two men to us, while we exchanged handshakes and nods between one another.
"I'm so sorry to ask this of you and I feel quite dissapointed in myself for having to do this." Mr Yagami got straight to the point wich was rather good because I wanted to get out outta here.
"I myself do not trust L, I understand him having a secret identity is the point of keeping him safe, being the World's Greatest, there would surely be people around the globe out for him but I would like to ask a favour." His voice was sincere and calm.
"Continue" the Head spoke with a just as calm and collective voice but I could tell he was concerned on why the Japanese Police needed a favour.
"I would like one of your international spies to find out the identity of L."
I gasped, along with the Head, the man known as Matsuda, the older man and young lady who was quick to grab a phone out of her handbag once she realized it was ringing. She must be is secretary, or assistant of some sort.
"You want one of our spies to risk their life into finding out L's true identity! That's outrageous!" He fumed.
"Head. I don't think that's such a bad idea, I piped in, in fact I know the perfect spy for the job."
"What do you mean, that would be putting all of the CIA at risk! Besides who is good enough to find out L's true identity."
"Y/n" I spoke with pride in my voice, I fully believed in that girl, but my words only made him worse.
"Y/N! Absolutely not she's my-"
"Best spy ever, I cut him off before he revealed information about himself, She is the best international spy in the world. If anyone could do it she could!" The Head went silent, thinking about what I had just suggested.
"Only the higher ups in the Japanese Police, You and whoever you wanted to tell would know. I promise your spy will be safe." Mr Yamagi spoke up in hopes to convince the Head.
"And how exactly would my agent be able to find out who L's is, she isn't working with him like you lot."
"Your agent would be able to pose as a detective in the Japanese Police Force along with Matsuda and myself, they will be given an alias and a whole fake profile will be made if L ever tries to investigate us. He will never know that there is a spy in the Police. Sound reasonable?" The Head hummed at the thought.
"Alright fine, I'll have my best spy y/n y/l/n fly over to Japan within a week, there you will have one of your men, preferably yourself or Detective Matsuda pick her up at the airport and take her to her suite. I trust that because this is your idea there will be arrangements made for her to stay and the pay covered as we don't own any Japanese money. Also I want all her needs fulfilled, She deserves the best." He finishes turning to me then walking back up the stairs, I quickly thank them, turning to leave as I feel a hand grab my wrist causing me to turn back.
"Thank you." Mr Yagami spoke in a low tone, letting go of my wrist as the Head yelled out for me. I nodded before practically running up the stairs after him.

"So, do you think your up for it?" The Chief asked me trying to hide his excitement although you could clearly see him smiling.
"Of course, I never pass a good assignment. I've always kinda looked up to this L guy and he once worked with the CIA didn't he? The Los Angeles BB murder case right?"
"No that was the FBI but it seems you have done some research on him in the past, hopefully that will help you now." I smiled grabbing my belongings and standing up. I shook the Chief's hand then pulling him into a hug. The Chief is like an Uncle to me and I know he would do anything to keep me safe. He is one of the few people I trust.
"Right go and pack Agent y/l/n, your flight leaves in 24hrs." With that I walked out of the office and drove home to get ready. This is going to be the best case yet!

Hey y'all, I'd just like to say sorry if there are spelling mistakes or words that don't make sense or have spaces in between them. My keyboard *inserts bad word* up from time to time. So I'd like to say sorry if that happens. Next chapter comming soon!

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