Chapter 4: Is he L?

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I threw my bag on the bed landing myself next to it; staring up at the roof lost in thought, the sound of the bustling city below me continued as I tried to distract myself. There was an invisible flow of cool air rapping itself around me, sending shivers down my spine. Getting up I grabbed my jacket and room keys, walking myself to the door. The man I met yesterday had the exact same name as the infamous L. If that's true then he just unknowingly helped me with figuring out his true identity. If it really is him then I can guarantee he will want to keep his identity a secret meaning that if I try to approach him the obvious reaction will be to avoid me. Of course, there is always the chance that L and the raven-haired man  simply have the same name but it's still a high possibility that he is L. Walking through the corridor towards the elevator, a familiar 'ding' filled the silence surrounding me and sure enough seconds later the doors to the elevator opened, revealing an old looking man dressed in a black suit and derby hat standing next to an unmistakable raven-haired male. Black eyes stared deeply into mine, almost burning right through me. Although his face stayed calm and natural you could tell that he almost wished he had gotten into some kind of incident causing him to be minutes later to avoid the view in front of him. 

L's POV:                                                     
This girl. The girl I met last night. The girl I payed the hotel room for so she didn't have to sleep on the streets her first night in Tokyo. The girl working for the Japanese Task Force. This girl knows what I look like. Was it a mistake to give her my name? No. There is no way that she can prove me and L to be the same person. So what if I have the same name, as far as she is concerned I don't  know a thing. All I have to do is pretend that I know nothing more about her than her name. All I have to do is lie. 
"Ryuzaki! Watari! How wonderful to see you again. I hoped to thank you in person." Ayame gleamed with joy while talking. 
"Miss Ktoko, it's nice to see you again" Watari's voice chimed from behind me. He knew not to make a big deal out of the current situation. 
"Watari. Please go back to the hotel room, I wish to speak to Miss Ktoko in private if you please." My gaze stayed fixed on Ayame, as did hers on me. Watari hesitated before silently walking off and back into the hotel room. Neither of us moved a muscle as if we were to die if we did. I could tell she was examining me, mentally noting everything she could about me. Any detective would do the same when having such suspicions. In fact, she has already impressed me when it comes to detective work. Somehow, she managed to convince three men who tried to leave the investigation today to stay. Using evidence from her own personal investigation on Kira she assured them that the well-known serial killer would soon be caught and punished for the crimes he has committed without the lose of their lives. She is extremely smart and hard working. If you were to ask her to do anything there is a 92.74% chance she will get it done and to your expectations. Something about her and the way she works sends shivers down my spine. There is a feeling like although on the surface she is working with me, everything she does is to work against me and I just cant seem to shake that feeling. 
"Ryuzaki?" Ayame sent a concerned look my way as she tilted her head as if to get a different point of view and perhaps an answer off me. 
"Sorry?" I answer, at least I think I was supposed to answer. 
"I just asked how your day was." 
"Oh. Quite boring in fact. What about yours?"
"It was my first day back at my job since my vacation so lets just say it was... Interesting." I smirked at her words, knowing full well how her day had been. She looked at me as I smirked before looking away almost instantly looking away seeming to hide her face. I wondered what was wrong but don't question it. All well, it doesn't really matter. As long as she doesn't find out who I really am everything will be fine.

That smirk. That look. That feeling. Damn he looked hot when he smirked. I could feel the blush creeping on my face so fast I had to look away. He probably thinks I am a complete weirdo. Wait! Why do I care what he thinks? I am supposed to be finding out if he is really L! Not blushing at his stupid little smirk. Get it together Y/n. I have never failed an assignment before and I don't intend to now. The best way to get to know him is if I spend time with him. As if on cue Ryuzaki's phone rang causing me to lift my head up and once again face the man, except he was no longer smirking. He pulled the noisy contraption out of the pocket of his jeans; lifting it up to his ear with two fingers holding the top two corners of the device, he spoke in a monotone.
"Yes? I see. Well that's a shame. We will talk about it tomorrow. Goodbye." To you the conversation was pretty one sided but it sounded like something bad had happened. What, when and where is a good question but he would never reveal that information. He planted his phone back in his pocket before speaking.
"I would love to stay and talk Miss Ktoko but I must tend to an urgent need, perhaps another time." Ryuzaki almost back at his door by the time he finished speaking. Oh well. If he were L then there was a high chance I would find out tomorrow at work what he was on about, besides the possibilities of Ryuzaki begging L haven't really changed. Currently, Ryuzaki is my biggest suspect to being L. Now knowing where I stand with him im sure it will be easy figuring out who he really is.
I steadied my breathing as much as I could before walking through the doors to the investigation room. I had woken up late today. My phone must have run out of battery last night while I was listening music and I forgot to put it on charge so my alarm didn't go off and now I'm about an hour late. I push the doors open ready for Mr Yagami to rouse at me in front of everyone but to my surprise there were only 6 mean in the room, well not including the dude dressed in Black and the computer with the letter L.
"What happened? Am I early? Did I get the times wrong? Wait! Is it actually night time just the sun is still up? Where is everybody?" I through questions all around the room and shot confused looks towards everyone.
"Miss Ktoko, I have a very important question to ask you."
"Uh um, of course" All eyes were now directed to me as Mr Yagami was the first to speak up.
"I only want you here on this investigation if you are willing to risk your life. There is a high chance that you could be killed by Kira and I need you to be 100% positive that you want to stay. Think about your friends, family. Think about yourself. Half of the team has already quit and you will not be degraded if you quit to. There is only 6 of us left including myself." Mr Yagami looked me directly in the eyes as he said every word. Him and I were the only people that knew out of the 7 of us I was the safest as only he knew my real name but despite being part of the CIA and having no choice in whether wanted to leave or wanted to stay I would never personally give up a case, it's just not who I am.
"Make that 7." Smiles spread across the men's face as Mr Yagami patted my back. He knew although I had no choice, this was my choice.
"The fact that you have chosen to stay means you have a strong sense of justice. I trust all of you." A voice filter spoke from the back corner of the room shifting our heads to see the computer screen with that same letter plastered plainly in the middle.
"Hold on a second. Aizawa interrupted. Ryuzaki just said he is ready to trust us now, but honestly what reason do we have to trust him!" He had a good point. We knew nothing about L and he knew everytging about us.
"Yeah! We're the ones risking our lives out here with our faces exposed and names given out, not you." Another guy behind Aizawa spoke up. The Chief sighed as L stayed quiet. The room suddenly went silent. "Ryuzaki, if you have truely put your trust in us then I believe it's only fair if you prove it to us."
"And how exactly am I to do that?"
"I want you to meet us in person."

Sorry it's late guys. Hope you do enjoy tho! New chapter might come sooner that Sunday. Bye for now my lovelies👼

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