Chapter 6: World's Greatest Detective

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The hesitated greetings we're enough to tell me that the four men currently situated behind Mr Yagami and I were more than shocked and now that I think about it, I don't know why I'm not shocked either. I only had a hunch that the two men were one of the same but now my theories are confirmed. Imagining this guy as L might of been a bit hard but it was all I could think of. Mr Yagami stood next to me with a straight face. He wasn't sure how to react and simply stared at the Raven-haired man standing before us. Standing on one foot using the oither to scratch his ankle the faces behind me remained the same, being honest Mastuda look concerned at the sight of the man. The same style of blue denim jeans and long sleeve white shirt from the last time we crossed paths still covered his body. His hands rested, unbothered in his pockets. Still the faces around me didn't change, not even his. A blank expression smothered on him, eyes with the same dark bags underneath them, Raven-black hair sitting on his head, messy but still good looking. Everyone's eyes were on him but his, his we're looking directly at you. The rest of the Task Force would most likely think it's because your the only girl but you knew exactly why his gaze layed on you.
"I am L." His monotone voice brushed over the silence in the room before it returned. Nodoby said anything. Aizawa, Mogi and Ukita and looked at eachother still in disbelief.
"I am Soichiro Yagami, Chief of the NPA." He held up his badge and ID to confirm. Amature move. I was about to say something to him when Matsuda spoke up with his name, holding his ID aswell. Aizawa, then Mogi, finally Ukita. My palm satisfyingly hit my forehead.
"Oh what! So the moment he claims he's L we just decide to believe him?! There has been no confirmation that he really is L, has there! Kira needs a name and a face to kill, well I wouldn't be surprised if you all just dropped dea-"
"Bang." Interrupting my speech, the raven-haired male held his hand out in the shape of a gun pretending to shoot.
"What the he'll was that?" Aizawa returned his attention to L questioning his actions after briefly being scolded by me. A groan escaped his mouth as he lowered his arm.
"If I were Kira you'd be dead Mr Soichiro Yagami, Chief of the NPA. Please do not give out your name so easily." The men gasped as I folded my arms. Sometimes I really wonder what the point of me talking is, nobody even listens.
"Like your colleague stated, Kira needs a name and a face to kill." He turned to his body to his side but keeping eye contact.
"How about we value our lives." The monotone flowing peacefully throughout the room as he walked off into the next room.
"Come this way if you please. Also, I will ask yo uh to turn off all your cell phones and communicational devices leaving them on the checkered table next to you." Aizawa stepped up next to me with a stern face, I could tell he wasn't happy.
"What do you think we're going to use our cell phones during this meeting to leak information?"
"It's alright just do as he says." Aizawa didn't have much of a choice after the Chief put his word in and placed his cell on the table followed by everyone else's.
"I understand he has been cautious since the beginning but I'm starting to doubt whether he really trusts us."
"No I just find it distracting. I can't stand it when people's cell phones are ringing while I'm trying to work." Lifting one leg up he stood on the couch before placing his other on and crouching, resting is hands on his knees. At this point it was quite hard to read the faces of the five men behind me.
"Let me start by saying, you will not be aloud to take notes during these meetings, or share anytging said in here. That means when we leave headquarters any information we need will be committed to memory. Please make yourselves comfortable. He patted a seat next to his chair looking at me. Smiling I walked over and sat down before staring at the five men standing in the doorway.
"Well come on then. Let's not wait for the grass to grow!" (HARRY POTTER QUOTE✋😌) Hesitantly, they made there way over, sitting at the couches placed either around a coffee table. We all stared at the man pouring black tea into a China cup, taking an abnormally loud sip with a sour reaction causing L to start filling the cup with sugar cubes.
"Excuse me L, what are we-"
"I'm going to have to ask for you to stop calling me L now that we've met. It's Ryuzaki 24/7 just to be safe."
"Uhh, ok Ryuzaki. Since we know that Kira needs a name and a face to kill, couldn't we cut down on the killings by not putting the victims names on the news?" The room went silent for a few moments.
"If we do that we would just be putting the general public at risk." Ryuzaki continued to stir his tea that now has 8 sugars.
"The general public?" Ukita questioned.
"Why?" Aizawa threw another question at Ryuzaki, stopping him from stirring his tea and resulting in his looking up from his cup and directly at the two.
"Kira is a childish figure and hates losing."
"Wha- but how do you-"
"Just what do you mean Ryuzaki?"
"...I am also childish and hate to lose, that's how I know" He looks back down at his cup of tea taking another sip of the liquid.
"Ryuzaki...could you be a bit more specific for us, if you don't mind?" Ryuzaki sighed before beggining to explain about when he provoked Kira with the broadcast and fake L. He explained how he thought Kira killed criminals but didn't hesitate to kill the fake L once threatened. The detective explained a few more reasons explaining his thought process.
"He has met each of my challenges head on and he has always returned the favour." L sipped on his tea once more.
"He we were to his the names of criminals what do you suppose will happen?" He made his point.
"What are you going to do about it? I have the whole world as hostage." I said looking at the man. His eyes sofened slightly but it was barely visible. He nodded before continuing. L suggested a thought involving a way to possibly scare Kira into thinking there were 1500 FBI agents in Japan when there is really only 7 of us. We discussed more information including the 12 FBI agents, Kira's experiments and the time he has been most active in. Eventually brought to the conclusion of Kira possibly being one of the suspects being investigated by and FBI agents during the 14th and 19th of December. Ryuzaki then handed us files provided by the FBI containing important information.
"So does anyone have any questions?" L's face returned to a blanke stare as he asked the Task Force.
"Actually Ryuzaki, I do have one question. Does the fact that you have shown us your face mean that you have lost?" The Chief questioned.
"Yes. The fact that have shown my face to you now and sacrificed the lives one 12 FBI agents does mean I am admitting defeat. I have lost the battle, but i will not lose the war." There was something about the way he said that, as if making some kind of promise to somebody...or something.
"Justice will be served no matter what." A small smile ran across Ryuzaki's face.
"Hey yeah, I like the sound of that."
"We can do this!"
"Alright then let's do this Ryuzaki." He looked at me waiting for a response. To be totally honest I wasn't paying full attention to his words. My head was wrapped around scouting the room, everything whereabouts and analyzing L himself, after all I'm no detective. I'm a spy. I don't belong here. Despite that I shrug my shoulders.
"Majority votes wins." I smile hoping that would be enough to maintain my character.
"Before we go any further I will need to make sure absolutely none of you are Kira. I would like t ok speak with you all individually before you leave."
"What's the deal, you still don't trust us?"
"No. I think it's a fair request. Look at it from his perspective." The Chief smiled at the men as it was clear what their answer now was.

Hey peeps. How's it going? I understand that we havent really gotten anywhere but I promise soon there will be lost of l x y/n parts and some spy scenes too!! Just stay tuned promiseeeeee:) love y'all🙂

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