Chapter 8: Sneeky Suspicions

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Well this is awkward. Idk what happened but I am back. I just read through what I previously wrote and I have no godly idea what past me planned to write next so excuse me if everything feels wacky and out of place. I am going to try my best to just continue where I left off.

I walk back into the hotel room I previously spent hours in. Watari hands me a mint choc chip ice cream cone, chocolate hot sauce drizzling down the side. My mouth is practically watering as I take it thanking him.
"Watari, where is my white shirt?" L yells from around the corner. Watari looks in the general direction answering hopefully.
"Which one?" He shakes his head slightly. I smile at him expression, as if explaining this happens often. Suddenly, L walks around in the room from around the corner, but there is something different this time. His blue jeans continued to bag up at his feet but as my eyes trickled upwards I began to see skin. The top of his jeans stopped at his waist line, loosely hanging onto his body. He was shirtless, standing in the open unnerved by the fact that I was even in the same room even though he asked me to come in moments before. He had a slim figure that his pale skin tone seemed to compliment. His posture the same and hands once again in his pockets he started at Watari, awaiting a response.
"Apart from the one you had been previously wearing all day, the rest are in the wash, as you requested this morning." Watari responded in a normal tone. He looked at L with wide eyes that momentarily darted at me before returning to him. I guess L didn't realise it was abnormal to undress in front of most people. By now, my face must be redder than a tomato. L looked at Watari then at me. He shrugged waking over to his previous seat gesturing for me to sit back down. As he pulled both feet up on the chair tucking his knees in I dropped my ice cream. Dramatically gasping, I dove for the floor attempting to pick it up but Watari stopped me.
"I'm so sorry!" I say looking up at his like a lost puppy. He laughs, gesturing for me to sit down with L. I slowly get up, apologising once more before sitting down.
"Miss Ktoko, you knew who I was before the others correct? I trust you told them nothing about when we crossed paths." L began, still shirtless.
"Uh, yes, of course." I answered, not even trying to hide the fact I was completely distracted his current presence. The untidy hair, baggy jeans and lack of care for the way he presented himself was somehow attractive. He was someone who might not be seen by many but known by most, and yet I was one of the lucky ones, to see who he really is. Even if he is an unhinged, mental asylum escape looking mop. It was reassuring in a way I can't explain.
"Good. I don't want you to let them know the we are in the same hotel let alone living only a metre apart." L said with a monotone I had seemed to be used to by now.
"When you leave work tomorrow, I want you to come straight here with Mr Yagami. Only after everyone has left the building can you return to your room." He specified.
"What are you banning me from my room now? What am I meant to do if I need to shower? Or sleep? Or get work done in silence? What if we end up having to pull all nighters because Mr Yagami has to stay for whatever reason?" I argue, with a mixed tone, sounding half annoyed and half confused.
"You will use my shower if needed, you can sleep in my bed and work in my room if you want privacy." He replied, so nonchalant.
"Wha-" I was cut off before even finishing one word.
"I can not risk the others knowing we are located in the same building let alone knew each other before this. It may not make full sense but I will need you to trust me."
Trust. He keeps throwing that word around like it's a basket ball. I don't really have a choice and I guess this could benefit me. Spending more time with him in private means getting to know him and the way he works. I assume I had been thinking for a while because L was suddenly up in my face. One foot on the edge of the couch, the other placed firmly on the ground, his hands behind his back, wide eyes staring into mine as his face was inches away.
"Do you trust me?" He spoke softly.
"Yes..." I respond, practically whispering. His breath was kind of cold but oddly comforting. He got up, swiftly turning away and looking out the large window displaying the night city below us.
"Goodnight Miss Ktoko" L said, his usual monotone blessing me with its presence.
"Call me Ayame, night." I left before anything else could be said.
As I opened my door, my smile grew wide. Shutting the door behind me and locking it with a swift flick I stumbled into my room and collapsed on the bed. There was so much to process. My predictions were right, everyone knows what he looks like, he was shirtless, there are only 6 of us on the task force, my cover hadn't been compromised, he was shirtless, I dropped the ice cream, he was shirtless. I blushed grabbing the pillow next to me and slamming it into my face before letting out a small, therapeutic scream. He was shirtless. It's all I could think about. It's all I could see. The image continued to replay in my head. Standing shirtless around the corner, sitting shirtless on the chair, practically on top of my shirtless. I needed sleep, anything that would stop me from thinking like this, or perhaps in general. I can not let whatever these emotions are get in the way.

Idek man. This is randomly wack and I apologise. It's all I could come up with. Enjoy? I guess.

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