Chapter 9: [Light Yagami]

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So it's your least favourite writer back four years since starting this atrocious fic. Re-reading that was only an enjoyable experience for the plot... let's all graciously ignore all that gramma mistakes. I fell into a Jeremy Jordan phase after realising I had known him for most of my childhood. I've had More than Anything on repeat and started to listen to more songs he sang discovering Death Note the Musical and here we are, suffering a small death note comeback while listening to Stalemate religiously.
Anywho let's just pretend I haven't dipped for over a year and add another part bc why not🤷🏻‍♀️ Enjoy!!


The dimly lit room sent a shiver up my spine. I plug my laptop in to charge as the recording on the small box tv finishes. A group of us had been watching the surveillance camera footage documented on the 12 FBI agents. Aizawa tiredly summed up what we had just watched, his eyes narrow as his face dropped from lack of sleep. L, unable to read emotions, requested to look through a tape once more, ignoring Aizawa's silent cries for a break. Matsuda assisted the sleep deprived man in finding the correct cassette. As the footage was played, I listened silently to the notes Matsuda was sharing and the deduction made by L thanks to the evidence supported before us. I took shortened dot points of what I found important to keep track of key topics we had covered. Typing away I did not realise the hand extended to me from behind that seemed to be holding an ice cream. Without pausing his monologue, L took the ice cream from Watari's grasp and held onto it until I realised it was for me. Apologising, I shot a 'thank you' look to Watari as the conversation continued.

Time passed slowly. The sudden sound of a cellphone ringing alarmed Matsuda. It was a call informing the Task Force about a woman named Naomi Misora who happened to be Raye Penber's fiancée. She had been reported missing since the day after her fiancée died. The sound of my fingers tapping the keys on the keyboard fill the room. Continuing the conversation about the missing woman, L's specific use of words leaked the fact he knew her on a personal base, or at least worked with her at some point.
"Do you think she was working on the Kira case?" I question aloud but no response.
"If so, would that mean Kira got to her first?" Still no answer. L's back was facing all of us, the the rest of the agents didn't have an answer.
"No worries, I'll just talk to myself." I finish before Mr Yagami speaks.
"Ktoko! L is clearly thinking, give him a moment before you-" L interrupts him.
"No no. Ayame is right." Not turning around, his voice floating across the room.
"Ayame?" Matsuda questioned. It was my first name. It's not custom to use first names in Japan unless you are close with one another and obviously L and I were not close, at least not as close as the others were lead to believe. Ignoring Matsuda, L informed us on what the new task was. Our investigation would only be focused on the people Raye Penber was trailing. What was most interesting was who those people were. A thick air filled the room as almost unnoticeable gasps were heard around the room.
"Deputy Director General Kitamura and his family, along with Detective Superintendent Yagami and his family." The silence in the room was louder than L speaking. He continued on, claiming that wiretaps and surveillance cameras should be placed in both families homes. I look over to see Mr Yagami's face. His expression is frozen, jaw dropped, eyes wide open, sweat building up ever so slightly on the side of his face. Other members of the task force speak up on the Cheif's behalf causing a small argument.
"I'd say, with the evidence we have now, odds of Kira being in one of those households are quite low. You have nothing to worry about Chief, we know you and your family aren't guilty." I pipe up in an attempt to lighten the mood. After a while longer of back and forth arguing the Chief ends the "conversation" agreeing to allow such actions, making himself clear that his family being under suspicion greatly offends him. L insists only himself and Mr Yagami and I are to watch the surveillance situated at his home. Matsuda shoots an interested look my way that L caught onto.
"Cameras will be placed in every room Matsuda, I doubt the Chief would want males watching his female family members in the bathroom." L explains bluntly as the chief lowers his head in shame.
Matsuda and Aizawa are tasked to watch the Deputy Director and his family and Ukita will remain at the station. I will be working alongside Watari when he needs assistance and with that information, we are asked to leave for the night.

Days pass before the task force meet as a group to discuss the information gathered.
"Nothing?" Aizawa questions. "What do you mean nothing?"
"The surveillance shows us nothing, in saying that, this does not clear the families names. We will need to try something else..." L proposes.
"Wire taps perhaps? Watari and I could have them set up in each home as early as tonight." I suggest. L takes a moment to think before looking at Mr Yagami as if asking for approval although he knows he'll do it with or without. A nod from the tired old man assures us as we stand and exit the room. Watari calls for our ride as we ready the equipment heading to Deputy Director's house first.

We pulled up to a corner. Watari exited the car, holding out his hand for me. The driver left as we walked ominously down the street until reaching Chief Yagami's house. We had finished at the Deputy's house a little later than expected so we knew we had to be fast. I open the small gate for Watari as he heads for the door. Unlocking it, we walk in swiftly and get straight to work. Staring upstairs, I took the kids rooms while Watari handled the bathroom and Chris's bedroom. I started in the daughters, a simple young teen girls room filled with pretty dolls and an amount of pink I wasn't too fond of, alas it took me back. The Chief's son's room is was sparked my interest though. He was a simple student who seemed to study efficiently. I finished in his room, nodding in the direction of a hidden camera before leaving. Watari was already downstairs in the kitchen leaving me to finish up with the dinning and lounge area. I was just about finished when Watari received a call. He answered calmly before shooting me a look filled with fear. With the phone still at his ear he managed to get out the word 'Light' as the sound of the front door opening haunted my soul. Watari ducked behind the counter as the door opened and a young man entered talking to... himself. He stopped abruptly when he saw me, shock written all over his face as I stood frozen with my hands behind my back.
"Who are you!? What are you doing in my house?!" He shouted, grabbing the umbrella from beside the door and pointing it at me threateningly. I stuttered as I tried to come up with a sentence.
"Don't hurt me! I'm not robbing you I swear!"
"That's exactly what a robber would say!"
"No a robber would run after standing here foolishly for a few seconds!" We bickered like kids before a blanket of silence rested upon us.
"I am Detective Ikari Akabane, I work alongside your father, Detective Superintendent Chief Yagami. I was asked to meet him here this evening." I use the alias given by L, despite this being the Cheif's son there is no guarantee he isn't Kira and at this moment he becomes a simple civilian I am have to share my name with. I show him my fake badge as he lowers the umbrella.
"How did you get inside?" He questions cautiously.
"The door was open, I assumed somebody would be inside but nobody seemed to be home. I was just about to give him a call-" He cuts me off.
"I'll call him for you, then we can settle this." The young man grabs out his phone dialing a number before putting the device up to his ear.
"Hello dad, there is a lady in our house, she claims you were meant to meet her at our house. Yes. I see. Ok. I'll let her know. Alright, bye." The boy hung up the phone as he walked towards me. I stand still as he gets closer until he holds out his hand.
"My names' Light Yagami." I sigh in relief as I shake the boy's hand.
"May father said to forgive him as he had forgotten and will get back to you on re-meeting." Light said sincerely with a sympathetic smile. He walked past me over to the kitchen bench where Watari was hiding on the other side.
"Oh well I uh guess I'll be going then." I say walking backwards, running into the coffee table. Light concerningly reached for me although being metres away and I catch a glimpse of Watari creeping out from behind the counter and through the corridor leading to the back exit. I laugh awkwardly, apologising before leaving the household. I made my way down a few blocks when a limo pulled up beside me. I was greeted by Watari as I entered. We shared a concerned look before bursting out in laughter. That was quite possibly one of the silliest things to ever of happened. I ceased laughing when the kind man spoke up.
"Ryuzaki was very impressed with your conversation with the Light boy. He tried to warn us that Light was walking through the fence but there wasn't enough time. We remained on the phone for extra caution." Watari praised. I looked at him straight faced. Ryuzaki had heard the whole conversation including my pathetic excuses and awkward people skills. I sunk into the chair out of embarrassment as we made our way back to the hotel.


A whole 1789 words. Crazyyy. I'm not gonna lie I started this chapter a while ago, added majority of it this morning, went to a party and finished it when I got home so if things are wack and display a clear difference in my writing we are gonna ignore it.
See yous next year🤫🧏🏻‍♂️

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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